The Beginning And The End

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It started out all happy, as if nothing in the world could ever ruin this moment. Every second was joy, then I get this itch, an itch that started crawling over my entire body. I soon saw that I was with ​him​, then I started falling. Not in love, not anymore, I was falling into the black pit that I have tried for ​so​ long to crawl out of, the pit that claims many lives a year. Then there was this rope, right before the darkness pulls me in, I grab it. The only problem is that by holding this rope my hands were getting torn, yet I keep holding, onto this thin rope that has no chance of saving me. Right before I fell, I saw his face, smiling, he was laughing, he was joyful. That was when I fell, into this pit that I have yet to escape from, but within this pit, I still feel like somehow I am attached to that rope. But it's not over yet, a dragon appears, it's orange and pale, it follows me no matter how hard I try and run, wherever I hide it destroys it, so I run. But I can't run forever, and as soon as I pause the dragon takes me, flying off, there's no more running. My world begins to fade... I'm dying....

Then I wake up.

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