Chapter Eight

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I stand up after Cameron does, clutching my gun and aiming. There's a man that looks like he's in his early thirties with a gun aimed at Sasha who holds her hands up in surrender. He seems to have already noticed Damien, Camerons and I with guns raised in his direction.

"Place your weapon on the ground," Damien demands slowly.

He doesn't say anything and but just looks around as if he's weighing his options. He already knows he's outnumbered so there's no point in him trying anything.

Then he shouts.

"Tyler, Da-"

He doesn't get to finish because Damien shoots him the right in the head. The momentum from the bullet causes him fall onto his back. He now lays there lifeless and unmoving.

I'm stunned momentarily as I watch the blood seep out of the fatal wound. Damien shot that man without an ounce of hesitation.

Sasha runs over to us. She's about to say something but instead is silenced when Cameron dives towards her and using his body to cover hers as he throws the both of themselves to the ground. Damien and I both fling ourselves to the floor. The shop is being riddled and rained with bullets that fly over our heads.

We all take cover behind a shelf. When the bullet parade ceases Damien stands up and began his own attack, Cameron and I get up after him. I spot a head of auburn coloured hair outside the a shattered shop window and take aim. I pull the trigger in hopes that I'll get him but I miss and the bullet ricochets off the window frame. When I see the head rising the three of us duck behind the shelf. Multiple bullets hit the wall behind us and one comes through the shelf and narrowly missing my throat. Wood from the shelf flies everywhere with each impact. Cameron and Damien stand up once again when the bullets cease to fire. I hear a cry of pain when Cameron fires his shot at the opposing party. I take a deep breath and get up again, aiming for the head that has auburn hair. When my bullet hits, it lodges itself in the skull. A cry of pain isn't emitted as the bullet kills him instantly.

"I-I surrender!"

One of the men that were shooting at us emerges from the entrance of the shop. His eyes are enlarged and he's visibly shaking. He isn't armed from what I can see. He glances down at his fallen teammate that now has a large pool of blood around his head like a halo.

"Slide your weapons over here," Damien says in a commanding tone.

He nods twice and places the first gun he was holding on the ground and slides it across the ground. He starts to take a pistol from the pocket of his baggy cargo pants. He lowers it down more slowly than the previous one, preparing to place it on the ground to slide it over to our side

It happens so quickly when he takes hold of the gun firmly and fires at Damiens. In reflexs, I fire my own raised gun and it hits him on left shoulder. As he falls to the ground Cameron shoots again right above his heart and he drops near to his dead friend.

I whip my head to Damien who's standing there with wide eyes. There's a cut that runs against the side of his cheek and blood is now escaping from it. It doesn't look too serious but it needs to be tended to.

"I'll be right back," I say to him before rushing offers in search of a first aid kit. I hear footsteps following me and I glance back to see that it's Sasha.

"I'm sorry for not doing anything during the gun fight," She says apologetically keeping her eyes trained to the ground. "I don't have a gun so I didn't think... I couldn't do much with my knives since-"

I stop and turn around to face her and place a hand on her shoulder. Cutting her off I say "No, don't feel bad, if you couldn't help then you couldn't help. I know if you could you would have so it's fine."

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