Chapter Eleven

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Sasha laughed nervously.

"Don't tell me they've abandoned us..." She trailed off.

"No, no they wouldn't do that,"

I mean Cameron wouldn't, Damien on the other hand, I'm not entirely sure about.

"I mean, we're a team so they wouldn't do that to us." I didn't know who I was trying to convince more. Myself or Sasha.

As much I hated admitting it, I felt both exposed and vulnerable.

We fell into a eerily silence that caused a shiver to run up my spine and goosebumps on my arms. We were currently alone.

I shone my flashlight into the semi-darkness half expecting one of them to jump out and say "Surprise!" But in what world would the possibility of that happening occur in?

I watch as Sasha began to walk down the hallway which led up to the kitchen.

"Olivia," Sasha called quietly. "Can you come over here?"

Intrigued, I made my way over to her. She's stood in front of a door that's in situated on the right side of the hallway.

We definitely missed this when we were walking down this hallway because I don't remember seeing it. It must lead down to the basement.

"What do you say? Do we go down or not? Plus, they could be down there," Sasha asked me.

"Yeah, we might as well, just for the sake of checking if they're down there."

I take it upon myself to open the door. As I open it slowly, it emits a slight squeaking sound.

The start of a staircase is revealed but it disappears, swallowed by the pool of darkness at the bottom. We shine our torches down the flight of stairs and grey concrete is revealed.

I push away the fear starting to creep in.

As I walk down the wooden stairs, a cold and spacious aura wraps itself around my body. It wasn't a very pleasant feeling. Close behind me, Sasha follows. I began hearing deep voices, talking back and forth but I can't make out what they're.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs I flash my torch, scanning area for the source of the voices.

Shelves, washing machine, old couch.

A torch emitting a ray of light catches my attention. Simultaneously, both Sasha and my torch fall onto it.

Damien and Cameron.

Cameron is crouched down on one knee inspecting something with his torch on it while Damien is looking down in the middle of saying something.

When the light falls on them, they both turn and look over at us in unison, their blue eyes illuminated.

I let out a sigh of relief upon seeing them but it's cut short when I hear Damiens voice.

"You were scared, weren't you," He said it more like a statement than a question. There's a hint of taunting behind his tone and the corner of his lip is curling upwards ever so slowly.

Before I can deny his statement even though it was true, Sasha speaks instead.

"Yeah and so what if we were? You can't blame us for thinking we were ditched or something when you guys just disappeared like that," She she looks at accusingly.

Cameron stands up from his crouching position and apologises, sounding very genuine "Sorry about that. We thought that you two would be fine on your own for a while if we just came down her to check things out. We should'd told you before going,"

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