Finale Chapter: Goliath and David

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Before Damiana could mutter another word, she dropped Genesis and dodged the poorly aimed blade of Exitium.
"Stop it!" Dantè growled, taking his battle axe from its scabbard.

Lucifer grinned and pointed the sharp point of Exitium to his youngest son, cracked teeth glinting in the harsh sunlight. Dante took a step back and instantly felt a sharp edge be placed nonchalantly at the nape of his neck. Looking over his shoulder guard, Dante glared at his older twin, Demetrix.

"He's going to kill her!" Dante hissed, not moving an inch as Demetrix chuckled darkly to himself.

Lucifer nodded at Demetrix, whom smirked knowingly as disappeared along with Dante in a whirlwind of black hell-fire. Turning back towards Damiana, Lucifer's smile faded into an annoyed scowl when the young girl charged towards him with the heavy bladed sword behind her. Without a second thought, the Prince of Darkness stepped to the side and allowed the AntiChrist to race past him.

Turning to the side to counter her mistake, Damiana tripped on a lone rock and landed hard onto her chest, knocking the wind out of her lungs.

'This isn't the best way to-' She thought before rolling to the side, barely missing the large blade coming towards her head.

'Show I'm not a child- well I am but...' She muttered inside her head, executing an almost perfect back flip.

Snarling the Prince of Lies grabbed the squirming Damiana by her long hair and held her in front of him, wicked grin gone and replaced with a look of absolute disgust.

"Be still, horseman, let me send you back to your creator." Lucifer muttered, putting the cursed blade on the child's throat.

Damiana gulped and felt as the blade slowly pierced her soft, exposed neck. This was it, this was how it all ended, wasn't it? She tried and tried and tried after so many trials and tribulations at her hardest, and she still failed.

'It's all Shadow's fault...If she hadn't done this-"


She couldn't blame someone else for her failures, not again...It was she who's fault it was. She trusted the dammed thing, she ALLOWED this to happen. Her best wasn't good enough, she understood that. The one thing she was born to do, destined to do, even...and Damiana couldn't even accomplish that.

"Aw, is this upsetting to you?" Lucifer lowered his sword and brought Damiana closer to his face.

"Don't worry, when I'm finished with you, your pathetic brotherhood is next." He cackled, bringing the sword back to decapitate Damiana.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion, like the Creator wanted her to watch ever millisecond of her pathetic defeat. Bitter tears welled in her eyes as she began to close her eyes, ready for the endless slumber that awaited her. So what if the entirety of creation what if everything she did, in the end, was all for nothing. Everything she did was for nothing, and for the first time in all her life, Damiana truly gave up on everything. She wasn't the hero Creation wanted nor deserved, she wasn't the proper, strong, or even fearsome horseman...

If they saw her, oh all the things they would be thinking clouded Damiana's mind.

How right they all were on how weak she was...

How incompetent, irresponsible, unworthy, insignificant, selfish...

She could go on and on about what they must think of her..How Strife would think about her..

Or Death...

Opening her eyes back up, Damiana felt as if she were staring miles away from where she was.

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