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Dedicated to AnariAmue and anime_fan19572 for commenting and waking me up to continue this!

Here's an extra long one just for you two!

~Natsu's Pov~

Once we got back to the guild (With Reborn healed from those burns that Giotto gave  him) we had entered and sat at the bar just chilling. "Natsu~! How was the mission~?" Lucy asked me with Levy behind her with sparkles around her. 'I think I'm going insane' i thought as I gave them a smile, "It was good, Gray got jealous when I met an old friend of mine" I say and told her all things we did end up doing which wasn't a lot (Like going to that sauna~) . "Well how about the three of us go on a mission together!" Lucy asked, "Just not now, overall you just got here Na-chan~" Lucy said as Levy and I agreed.

"Can I pick out the mission?" Levy asked as Lucy and I just nodded. "Yay~!" Levy says and goes to the mission board with Jet and Droy following her. "Ne, Lucy? Are you in any teams yet?" I ask her. "No not yet, why?" Lucy says as I smirk at her. "How about you, me, maybe Levy and Erza, and Gray become a team?" I ask her. "Yea I would like that" Lucy agrees, "So what should our team name be?" I ask her. "How about Team Natsu? Overall it IS your team~" Lucy suggests. "Okay but for now because I can't think of anything~" I say with a smile which she returns.

"Okay girls  I found a really interesting job!" Levy says as she walks up to us. "It wants us to be guards for diamond. On top of that it's called the Happiness Diamond which is one of the biggest diamonds in history so there will be thieves!" Levy informed us as she showed us the the picture of the diamond. "Wow that is a really big rock.." I say as I look at it, Lucy silently agrees. "Lucy, Levy, are you up for becoming undercover guards?" I say with a smirk as they got my silent message ans nodded at me. "Okay! Mira were going to take this mission!" Lucy tells her as Mira records it. "Gray, Lucy, Levy and I are going on a girls only mission so have fun by yourself Gray~ And don't destroy anything" I say with a bit of a warning tone. He just nods at me with a nervous smile.

"Bye Gray~" I say as I follow the girls to the train station. "Okay so the plan is you two will be wearing dresses at the auction while I wear a police uniform and keep an eye out. Notify me for any suspicious behavior. And Reborn you're going to need a better hiding spot." I say while Reborn pops out of no where scaring the poor girls. "Sharp as ever Lady Vongola~" Reborn says with a smirk in his squeaky voice. "Reborn if you're going to assist us then you too keep an eye out and take down any run aways. Knowing you, you'll find out who the thief is, I don't care if you give him nightmares just keep him alive." I say the last part tiredly. "Of course Lady Vongola~" Reborn says teasingly. "Reborn..." I say in a warning tone which luckily shuts him up.

When we got there we suited up, the one who requested us to do this expected men. Not women, we didn't care though. SO when we get there the auction started with a man in a suit putting the diamond on a pedestal still in its velvet covered box. I walked by it and put a thin flame dome around it so no one an touch it. Then the lights went out and a gun sounded.

I hear a scream, a grunt, and a window breaking.

I can faintly see the flame dome around the diamond and somebody trying to touch it just to be tackled by Reborn. Then the lights come back on.

There's a politician who got shot in the leg.

The diamond is still there.

Reborn is on top of a middle aged man with a burned hand. The man was wearing all black; Black hair and eyes, and tan skin.

Everyone is silent and on the ground Levy and Lucy get the Politician to the hospital, leaving me and Reborn to finish the mission.

"Everyone please calmly exit the building, we have this under control!" I say as I mentioned to the man Reborn was on top of and the flame dome around the diamond which I made more visible. Everyone luckily quickly left as Reborn and I stare at the man.

"What are you trying to steal the diamond for?" Reborn asked with his Leon gun aimed at the man's head. "I don't answer to some baby-" BANG "Why were you trying to steal the diamond?" Reborn asked in a dark tone. "L-l-look man I-i need that diamond or I'll get killed by phantom thief A!" The man explained with horror on his features. We tie him up, and claim our reward; bringing the man to jail but not without telling the guards to keep a close eye on him and telling them what he told us.

"Thank you so much for helping guard the diamond! We thought Fairy Tail was a destructive guild?" The clint asked as he saw that there was no damages. "Well we are, just some of us have better control than others. And to the fact we didn't use our magic really for this mission~" I say as I go find Levy and Lucy waiting to hear the news of the politician.  So I wait with them, "Are you here for Mr.Mirto? The politician?" A nurse asks us as we nod. "Great so your the ones who helped him here right? He wants to speak with you!" The nurse says happily as she guided us to him. "So your the ones helped me here? I thought there was only two you you?" Mr.Mirto asked us.

"Yes will I had to bring the one with the gun down~-" "Where's Reborn?" Lucy cuts me off as I look her way. "He probably went to give someone nightmares" I say with a shrug as the girls sweat drop at me. "You really shouldn't worry about him, he's one of the most slippery people you'll ever meet~" I say with a smile. "I feel honored to get complimented by Lady Vongola~" Reborn says standing on the windowsill standing innocently in front of said open window. "Of course you'll get in through the window... " I sweat dropped. "Well this is the whole team I guess..." I say as i look back at the stunned politician. "Well let me property introduce myself, I'm Amedeo Mirto, I was wondering if you were mages" Amedeo asked with a glint in his eyes. He had messy blonde hair, blue (Sapphire) eyes and right now in hospital gown. "Yes we are but you should really just ask Natsu! She took down the thief and made up the game plan~!" Lucy said as she dragged Levy out into the hall as Reborn followed them too.

"Well Lady Vongola saved my life, for that I'm your subordinate." Amedeo said with a smirk. "Of course your in the mafia... Your the blade hurricane aren't you?" I say the first part to myself. "Yes I am Lady Vongola"

"Well I don't want you to be my subordinate, a friend I don't mind" i say with a smile as he just looks shocked but smiled none the less. "I have a question lady Vongola, what was Primo like when he was younger?" he asked me with a small smile. "Childish; yet he hasn't changed from what i know of. I met him again yesterday eating cake like he usually does." I say with a smile. "And please, just call me Natsu" I plead with him, "But Lady Vongola sounds cool~" He says with a pout. "If you really need me, or just a friend in general. I'll be at the Fairy Tail guild Amedeo" i say with a smile; "Get well soon~!" I say with a wave of my hand and blend into the shadows scaring Lucy and Levy in the hallways...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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