Long Time No See

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Knock, knock, knock. This sound fill the air as I brought my fist to the door, knocking on it. It had been a thousand years since I last saw my father... I just wanted to see him again, I just wanted to know he was okay... The door creeks open. "... Snazy?" Ink asks, staring up at me. I could see the disbelief in his eyes. I smile a little, I missed that name... "Heya... Dad..." I say quietly. It was so cold out here... Or maybe that was just the pain from dying a thousand times. Whatever, it didn't matter.

Ink brings a hand to my face, "... Is it really you?" He asks, tears welling in his eyes. He seemed so happy to see me... I forgot what that felt like.... Happy. Under all of the 90's lingo I hide behind, I was a miserable person, who only wanted to be with their family once more. My Uncle killed me constantly, even when all I wanted was just someone to love me... I didn't care if it was Error, my father, or my siblings. I was tired of being alone.

I nod a little, a forced smile being plastered on my face. I got good at faking that. Of course, my father didn't care. He was too busy worrying about my broken glasses and torn up clothes. It's what you have to deal with when you've died as much as me. "You poor thing... Come inside." Ink says, gesturing for me to come in.

And of course, I did.

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