Chapter 2: Someday, Somewhere

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I'm gonna go ahead and apologize for the lack of Finn in these first few chapters. He has good stuff coming up, but we have to get through the mother/daughter goodness first!

"We're home!" Rachel calls out into the apartment, exhaling in relief when she finally sits down a restless Lucas. She swears that kid is growing like a weed and getting heavier and heavier everyday! Carrying him is like a workout all in itself! "Finn? Are you home?"

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

Rachel gasps in surprise, looking up with wide eyes towards the voice that is most certainly not her husbands, quickly narrowing them and scrunching up her nose as she delivers her flat greeting, "Oh. It's you."

"Uncle No-uh!" Lucas shouts gleefully, running towards his grinning uncle and leaping into his arms.

"Hey Lightening Lucas! What's up my man?"

"Dinosaurs!" Lucas shouts triumphantly.

"Dinosaurs?" Noah laughs.

"Yeah! Mommy bought me dinosaurs at the store!" Lucas claps.

"Why don't you go get them from your room sugar so you can show him?" Rachel suggests sweetly.

"Yeah! That's a great plan!" Lucas squeals, wiggling to his feet as the adults chuckle at his words.

"I still don't know why you won't let them call me Uncle Puck," Noah teases as he helps Lucas back to his feet.

"Lyric couldn't pronounce her 'P's' you know that. No child of mine is going to run around saying Uncle Fu..." she stops herself, immediately recognizing the mischievous glint in her friend's eyes.

"C'mon Princess, say know I always liked it when you talked dirty," Noah smirks.

"Mommy talks dirty?" Lucas pipes in, looking at Rachel in question.

"Lucas!" Rachel yelps, "I thought you were getting your dinosaurs to show Uncle Noah?"

"Uncle Noah is my best friend," Lucas grins, the words silencing a chuckling Noah, who sends the boy a wink.

"That's good baby," Rachel smiles, "because I heard he just had a best friend spot open up!"

"Hey!" Noah laughs, glaring at her playfully as Lucas's giggles trail down the hall towards his bedroom.

"Speaking of Lyric, where is my pocket-sized princess?"

"She's having a girls day with Carole," Rachel answers shortly, busying herself with looking anywhere but at Noah.

"You're really mad at me aren't you?" He sighs, running his hand over his now fully shaved head.

"You got married. In Vegas. To a woman named Sugar," Rachel enunciates slowly.

"And you're gonna love her," he grins. "If you give her a chance."

"Well I suppose you've left me no choice in that matter did you, what now that she's the aunt to my children and all," Rachel huffs dramatically, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I have a feeling you two will get along, you're a lot alike."

"Pfft and how is that?" Rachel scoffs.

"Well for starters she's bat shit crazy, and you of all people should know I like 'em crazy," he winks.

"Ugh," she rolls her eyes, walking past him to sit on the couch. "You're gross. Get out of my house."

"I'm kidding, geez," he grins, holding his hands up in surrender when she glares at him. "What is it Princess? You're still jealous after all these years? Cause I gotta tell you, I'm third wheel to you and Hudson a lot so that's not really fair. You can't have us both, though I'm sure you'd like to."

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