Chapter 3: Girl Talk

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Rachel can hardly stay still as she makes her way home, the excitement and nervousness and pure awe bouncing around inside of her making her feel a little bit silly. She's so happy Finn is off today, wanting so badly to sit down and recall the events of the last few hours of her day with him. For the first time since that magical meeting on the sidewalks of New York City so many years ago, she came face to face with her first born daughter...and it was glorious. Chills shoot down her spine as she closes her eyes and relives Barbie's audition. Her voice so pure and strong and once again Rachel finds herself blown away by the presence and power someone as young as Barbie possesses. She can't help but think there are big things to come for this one; she's going to move mountains one day and Rachel can't wait to be there to witness it.

She practically sprints to the front door once it's in sight, throwing it open as she calls out her enthusiastic greeting.

"We're in here babe!" Finn calls from the living room, Rachel's heart skipping a beat the way it always does when they're reunited again after a day of being apart.

She sits her bag and keys down gingerly on the counter, padding lightly into the living room where the sight before her makes her heart swell. Finn looks up when he hears her enter, his trademark smile in full display as he shrugs his shoulders playfully. Rachel can't help but giggle as she stands and watches her family for a moment, Finn sitting cross legged on the floor as Lyric sits on the couch above him, her feet resting in his lap and Lucas to her right. Finn turns his attention back to the task at hand, removing the tiny brush from the bright pink bottle he's holding and coating the nail of his daughter's right big toe in glossy paint. She rubs her hands over her belly affectionately, dropping to her knees when Lucas finally notices her prescence and comes barreling towards her.

"Mommy! You home!"

"Hey baby boy, I'm home!" She giggles, wrapping him tight in her arms as she squeezes him lovingly. She releases him when he starts squirming, excitedly holding his hands up to her face.

"Look mama! Pink!"

"Oh my," Rachel giggles, taking Lucas's hands in her own and inspecting his bright pink painted nails. She smirks a little as she notices the smudged paint all over his fingers, the painter obviously having a difficult time staying within the lines, so to speak. "Did daddy paint your nails?"

"Nuh-uh, Sissy did!" Lucas grins, pointing to Lyric who smiles proudly on cue.

"You did a great job baby girl," Rachel smiles, winking at Finn as she makes her way to the couch to bend over and kiss the top of Lyric's head.

"Thanks, mama! I did daddy's toes too! He wouldn't let me do his fingers."

"I don't think the guys at the station would let me live that one down," Finn chuckles, blowing lightly over his work. "All done love bug, show mama."

"Look mommy! Isn't daddy good? Now show her your toes daddy!" Lyric demands. Finn chuckles, scooting himself to the side so he can extend his legs and show off his bright pink pedicure, smudged paint covering his toes much in the same fashion as Lucas's fingers.

"Wow Finn, I must say, pink is definitely your color," Rachel teases, reaching out and popping his big toe quickly, causing him to yelp and slap her hand away playfully. She sticks her tongue out at him as he stands to his full height, leaning down to kiss her softly once on the lips.

"What's that look for?" He grins, "You're surprised I'm so good at this aren't you?"

"Not really," she says, shooting him a flirty smile and taking one of his hands between hers. "You havealways been really good with your hands."

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