"Bandits" Chapter 10

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As soon as Clementine and Clyde made it back to the cabin, they were frantic. Jules was in the house taking care of Alvin Jr., but Paul and Amber were gone.

Clementine: Where are the others?

Jules: Amber sent Paul hunting. Amber left, but she didn't tell me where she was going.

Clementine: Jules take care of Alvin. I'm going to go search for them.

Clyde: I'll come with you.

Clementine: No. You should stay here. If the bandits find this cabin you have to defend it. And you need to pack our stuff so when we get back we can go.

Clyde: Can I trust you will be alright?

Clementine: I'll be fine. Make sure you keep Jules safe.

A few days earlier, Clementine went hunting with Paul. She had an idea where she could find him. She needed to be careful. Walkers had seemed to randomly appear and attack so she also needed to watch her back. Clementine had forgotten to bring a blunt or blade with her, but there were other ways of killing Walkers. She could sweep them just like Jane taught her and bash their head in with the handle of her new guns.

The hunting grounds were not very far away. Close enough to the cabin to walk ten minutes to reach. Clementine reached it under three without a single incident. When she reached the hunting area she was tired, but instead of resting, she searched for Paul. She ran to and fro Paul's favorite hunting spots. Each time she made it to a location she took a few seconds to rest than she ran to the next area. She was having no luck.

Clementine: Why...

Clementine was so fatigued she could not finish her sentence all at once.

Clementine: ...can't I find him.

She was standing right where she began wondering where he could be. She plopped down on her rear and lifted her knees so she could rest on them. While regaining her strength she thought where hasn't she checked? He could be down by the lake. The day before, she remembered him saying when they go into town, if they could come across some fishing poles they could catch fish instead of eating unclean meats. Or he could be hunting in a different location. Near the river seemed like the safest bet to Clementine. It sounded a lot smarter than searching the woods for someplace she doesn't know of. Clementine needed more time to recuperate, but that time was taken from her. As she sat and gathered her strength she began hearing the snarling of a Walker. She turned around and saw one walking toward her. Clementine wasn't up for killing it, but she had no choice. She rose to her feet and got ready to sweep the Walker. But she it wasn't necessary.

Clementine didn't have to do anything. The man she was looking for walked behind the Walker and axed the back of his head. After pulling the ax out, he spoke.

Paul: Are you alright?

Clementine: I could have taken care of him.

Paul: What are you doing here?

Clementine: I was looking for you. Where were you?

Paul: I was fishing. I used some things around the cabin to create a spear. The spear broke and I wasn't able to catch any, so I began hunting. I thought I tried some new spots. What, is something wrong?

Clementine: We need to move. The bandits know were here.

Paul: How do you know that?

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