"The Transformation" Chapter 4

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Dave gripped Clementine's arm and jerked her toward his bedroom. His door was padlocked to keep people out. When he reached into his pocket to grab the key he almost dropped it because his hands were shaking. Clementine could only imagine what was making him act this way.

Dave: Inside, now.

Before Clementine could take one step forward she heard a noise. She got a quick glance at what it was and it was Amber. Amber was behind Gerald exiting his room.

Dave: Get inside!

Dave shoved Clementine into his room. She turned toward him and opening her mouth but said nothing. There were some dirty words she wanted to say to him. However, she decided taunting him wasn't the best idea. Clementine was fed up with irritations. Exhaustion was getting to her. So was the abuse and yelling. Everything was fueling her rage. If she had to endure one more irritation she was going to lose it.

Amber: Clementine!

Amber realized what was happening. She responsively ran to shield Clementine. Gerald failed to grab her as she ran. Amber stood in front of Clementine, shielding her from the man who was about to molest her.

Gerald: That bitch! Dave, I'll handle this.

Amber: Take me instead. Dave, do me instead.

Gerald stopped in his tracks. Both Dave and Gerald were baffled. Gerald wasn't known for being gentle. He emptied every last drop inside of Amber without considering her comfort or limits. When he was finished she was cloaked in white. He tossed a towel over her sullied body, but it took a minute for her to clean herself. She was too exhausted and emotionally shocked to move at first.

Gerald: Bitch, get over here. He doesn't want my sloppy seconds.

Dave: Hold on. At least she's mature. I don't want to do a kid.

Gerald: Are you sure? This may be your only chance to do one and get away with it.

Dave: Fuck you! That's sick.

Clementine had little compassion for Amber. In her head, she thought whatever happened to her couldn't be any worse than surviving. Since day one Clementine was tired of Amber looking out for her. There was a risk to owing people favors.

Clem: I don't need you to protect me.

Amber: God! Clementine, this isn't the time. These men want to hurt you. If they do you will never be the same.

Clem: I killed my best friend and I lost AJ. My parents are dead. And no matter how bad it gets, the longer I survive the worse life gets. What could they do that's worse than anything I've been through?

Amber knew firsthand what these men were capable of. She paused to clear her cloudy mind. The right words to use seemed out of reach. Tears began trickling from her eyes. Amber clinched her eyes shut. In one night, she took in more man than she ever wanted. Now to protect a girl she didn't even like, she was offering to take in even more.

Clementine infuriated her, however, she was still too young. Amber knew Clementine didn't know any better. Everything inside of her told her not to allow these men to hurt Clementine. She was around Clementine's age when she was with a man for her first time. Her first time was with her father. Even after he was sent to prison the damage remained. Gerald forced her to relive those horrifying memories. It would eat her up inside if she sat by and watched someone else go through what she went through.

Amber: They want to take something away from you. Something you'll never get back. They want to use a dirty form of torture on you. If Dave gets his hands on you, he'll leave a permanent scar that will never go away. You could never love a man the same way ever again. Trust me.

Her speech was vague, but Clementine caught a little of what she was saying. Romantic films her and her parents watched surfaced to her mind. Sometimes her eyes in ears were covered during certain parts of the movie. They were always when a man and a woman were alone a bedroom. Diana often covered Clementine's eyes but even when Ed covered her ears she could still hear. She remembered the sounds of moaning. The same kind of moaning she heard from her parents' room at night. Clementine didn't know what it was, but she noticed that everyone was shielding her from it. Even Dave tried to shield her at first.

The decision was up to Clementine now. Even Gerald and Dave stopped arguing to hear what she would say. Clementine was fed up with people shielding and protecting her. Lee to protected her. He protected her long enough to build her up and give her wings. At his end, she was free to go wherever she pleased while making her own decisions. Alan was right. She wasn't born stubborn, it was built into her. By letting Amber help her, she would not only owe her a favor but also show she is dependent on others. However, there was no need to prove anything to anyone.

Clem: Thank you, Amber.

Dave: If they're both down with it then I guess I am too. Anything is better than my toys.

Gerald: That's sick.

Amber did not show any gratitude. The impact of her choices was sinking in. Making love in this respect was undesirable. The smell of musty men made her nauseous. Amber emptied her stomach's content onto the floor.

Gerald: Bitch!

Dave: Shit! And I'm still going to do her. I'll get a towel to cover it up. Gerald, take care of the little girl? Alan wants us to store the girls in the basement when were finished.

Gerald: I'm finished for tonight. But I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm going to break in this girl's virgin holes.

Dave: That's really fucked up.

Gerald and Clementine went into the living room. Gerald took a candle and led her into the basement. It was pitch black. The moon reflected little light into the basement's tiny windows. Gerald gave her the candle then went upstairs. He closed the door leaving Clementine alone in the dark.

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