Chapter 1

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This is my first story so please excuse any errors and positivity is the only thing welcome here. I hope you guys like it! :) ily

Marcel's POV

I jolt out of bed when my alarm clock sounded annoyingly on my nightstand.

"Crap" I muttered as I stood up and walked to the bathroom. Another day of school aka the hell hole.

I went in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I saw my messy curls flop over my forehead and pushed it back. I always hated my curly hair. Like it is so annoying that's why I always gel my hair.

I brushed my teeth and put gel in my hair. Once I was satisfied with my face and slicked back hair, I then went to my closet and put on my usual 'nerdy' attire, well that's what everyone else calls it.

I put on a pair of khaki pants and a checkered vest and tie and put on my dress shoes.

I was fully ready but the last thing I needed to do was put on my big glasses.

Ever since I was just seven years old I needed glasses. I really wish I didn't have glasses but now I don't really care about it.

I headed out of my room and went down the stairs to greet my mum.

"Good morning sweetie." She said to me walking over to pinch my cheeks. I groaned cause of the way she pinched my cheeks like I was a little boy.

"Morning mum." I replied as she handed me my lunch.

I headed straight for the door.

"Bye mum." I told her quickly and shut the door before she could reply.

I walked towards my school and proceeded to the entrance.

"Hey nerd, why the hell are you here?"

I froze in my spot and looked towards him.

He was tall but I still was a little bit taller than him. He had dark piercing brown eyes that pierced right into my soul. I was scared for my life right now because this is Nathan Carters, the biggest jerk and popular jock in the school.

"Um.. I w-was a-about to h-head to c-class." I said nervously while stuttering.

He grabbed a fist full of my shirt and pushed me to the ground. His friends laughed while he kicked me hard on the side of my stomach.

People just stood there laughing at me while I groaned in pain.

He then punched me in the nose and blood gushed out onto my perfectly good vest.

"See you later nerd, don't think I'm not finished with you just yet." Nathan chuckled with his friends.

I lied there for a moment and let the tears flow down my cheeks. I picked up my glasses which were luckily not broken and put them on.

I picked my stuff up and went straight to the boys bathroom and cleaned myself up a bit. My vest was ruined from the blood but I cleaned most of it off.

Once I was done I quickly proceeded to the class I was late for.

I walked into the class which is my math class.

"Styles, why are you late?" Mr. Hunters, my maths teacher, asked me in a serious tone while looking at me.

I stuttered as always. "I um.. w-went to the t-toilet and h-had some p-problems." I lied. Great Marcel just great! You made yourself look like a fool in front of the whole class!

"Okay well take a seat Styles." He said calmly.

I walked towards my seat but while I walking in the aisle someone tripped me and I fell on my face.

"Nerd." Someone chuckled as I look up to see Nathan.

I got back up and sat in my seat.

While Mr. Hunters was teaching the class a lesson. I saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Katrina Williams. She had dark brown hair with chocolatey brown eyes and a cute dimple on the left side of her cheek. She was about 5ft tall so I was way taller then her.

She walked in and sat in her seat which is a couple seats down. I finally stop staring to look at Nathan he was already staring at Katrina while biting his lip.

Ugh why do they have to be dating! First of all Katrina is nothing like Nathan. Nathan is jerk and Katrina is sweet and caring to others. Well not to me, but still!

What does she see in him!? Oh yeah, right, he has the looks and everything I don't have.

There's no way I, Marcel Edward Styles, will ever get a chance with Katrina Eve Williams.


That was the first chapter of my first book! I hope you guys liked it. Make sure to vote! I will be coming out with the next chapter soon! Ily!

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