Chapter 4

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Marcel's POV

I woke up the next morning and lied there on the bed staring at the ceiling blankly. I thought about everything that had happened the day before.

I sat up on the side of the bed and sat there rubbing my eyes. I decided to get up and get productive. I grabbed my glasses off the nightstand and stood up only in my plaid boxers.

I saw my khakis and suspenders on the floor next to the big mirror in my room. I stared at them and contemplated what I wanted to do with them. I didn't feel like wearing them.

I felt disgusted by them oddly since I grew to like them all my life since my mum bought me them.

I decided to roam through my closest and found the only simple black t shirt i could find. I then paired it with some black jeans.

I got this clothing for last years birthday from my aunt. I hated that she gave me them because I only liked my khakis and vest.

I didn't feel like wearing all that crap.

I left my hair curly the way it was and grabbed my gym clothes which I was given last Christmas since my grandma told me I should work out so I didn't look so skinny and wimpy.

I decided to go to the gym. I know I need gain some more weight. I was determined to lift weights and do cardio.


I arrived at the gym and sat my stuff down and went to the men's locker room. I stripped out of  clothes and changed into my gym clothes.

I walked into the gym to be surrounded by big and buff sweaty men. They all stared at me as I looked like a twig.

I felt so embarrassed but in the end, who the fuck cares anyways?

I began trying to lift weights,  i started off easy. And I went on from there.

It was towards the end of my workout which consisted of cardio, ab work, arm work and leg work.

I was sweating like crazy.

I took off my glasses and wiped my eyes with my towel.

I looked up and saw a big figure walking towards me. I heard them whistle.

I put my glasses back on the my eyes were set on Nathan.

Oh fuck.

"Well well well, I never would have thought the wimpy nerd would be able to go to the gym and workout. I guess I was wrong." He said sarcastically.

"J-just go away Nathan. I'm leaving" I said.

Fuck why do I stutter.

"Your not going anywhere with out and punch to the gut" he said loudly before punching me in the stomach and walking away laughing.

I lay there hugging myself and then I get up and storm towards the door with my stuff. I drove to the nearest cliff which had a beautiful view of the city.

I sat on the picnic table bench and the moon was out and you could see the sun just setting.

It was beautiful. I felt safe for once. No Nathan. No bullies. No bad thoughts. No nothing.

It was peaceful. I felt the breeze touch my cheeks as a stray tear went down my face. I wiped it away.

I brought out my notepad which I kept in my pocket.

I began writing lyrics as I stared at the stars.

been a lot places
I been all around the world
Seen a lot of faces
Never knowing where I was,
On the horizon
But I know, I know, I know
The sun will be rising
Back home...

I wiped another tear away and took in a deep breath and closed my notepad. I drove home listening to some soft alternative music on the radio.

I felt better. But it could've been better if i wasn't such a wimp.

I could've stood up to him if i wanted, a part of me was scared. I never want to be the bad guy.

I walked up to my house and walked in. My mum was already asleep. It was 10:00PM.

I went upstairs and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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