Chapter 2

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Marcel's POV

When the bell rang for the end of maths. I picked up my stuff and when I was about to walk out the door Mr. Hunter stopped me.

"Marcel and Katrina could you two please come with me" he said.

I look at Katrina and she looks at him then looks at me. If I didn't recall I could have swore she looked at me with questioning eyes.

"So, Mr. Styles and Ms. Williams" "I called you here to inform you that Ms. Williams you are failing this class and will need help." He said as I look at Katrina and see her frowning.

Katrina's POV

"What!?!" I said a bit too loud.

I glanced at Marcel and see him just standing there awkwardly fiddling with his fingers. He is dressed very nerdy but I wouldn't say that out loud. His voice is also very annoyingly high pitched.

Why is he even here anyways!?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Mr. Hunter continued his conversation.

"So Ms. Williams, I've decided that you need a tutor." He said. As I looked at him with wide eyes.

"I don't want a tutor Mr. Hunter. I can make it up to you if you let me try. Plus who is going to be my tutor anyways." I say as I look at him.

"You see Ms. Williams, that's where Mr. Styles come in." He said pointing to Marcel.

Oh god. This cannot be happening. I'm going to be tutored by the schools nerd!

Marcel's POV

I looked at Mr. Hunter and back at Katrina with wide eyes. I'm going to be Katrina's tutor! What!?

This can't be happening. I'm going to be tutoring the most beautiful and popular girl in the school. How can this freaking be happening!?

"Marcel and Katrina you are now dismissed to you next classes" he said.

I pick up my stuff and walk towards the door. When I felt a gentle hand tap on my shoulder and see Katrina standing there.

"So... Since you are my tutor, when will we start it?" She asked.

Marcel I swear if you stutter in front of her.

"I t-think we s-should s-start tomorrow i-if your o-okay with that?" I say stuttering.

Dang it Marcel.

"Yeah. I'm free tomorrow what time?"

"Is f-four okay w-with you?" I ask while stuttering.

"Yeah that's fine. My house or yours?"

"Mine" I reply.

"okay cool. bye." She said and walked away. Her beautiful hair swayed against her back as she walked. She is stunning.

**** Last Class ****

Once my class was over. It was time to head home. I picked up my stuff and walked through the empty hallway. I was the only one left because I had to do a little bit of extra credit.

While I was walking I hear a couple of loud footsteps behind me.

I kept walking but a little bit faster because I knew exactly who they are.

That's when I felt a hand roughly punch me right in the jaw. I fell to the ground. The tears started to come out.

"Nerd, stay the hell away from my girl. Don't even look, think, talk or touch her. You got it? Next time I will bash your head into that brick wall over there." He said while pointing at it.

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