Is this what you call a family?

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A/n Hey guys! sorry I haven't updated in forever but I've been sick and I'm a lazy fat bitch but here's the update


Emily POV

"Stop!" I screamed at Jeff

We've been together for fifteen years and he STILL tries to kill my cat.

Just then I heard the front door open and in walked Harmony.

Harmony is now sixteen and I can't lie she is beautiful, long blonde hair, Ice blue eyes and a killer body and to top it off she was a badass. She's probably killed more people than I have.

As for Melody? She ran off with Laughing Jack a year ago, it was sad but it made her happy.

"What are you starting at mom?" I was snapped into reality and noticed something on her neck

"Is that a Fucking hickey?'

"N- Yes" She said moving her hand to cover the small purple bruise

"Where. did. you. get. it.?" I said through my teeth

"My- My Boyfriend?" She said as if she was asking a question

Her boyfriend.

Jeff walked into the living room and started talking

"I will find him and kill him, you are sixteen, not married Harmony Joyce"

"Not if he kills you first" She added with a smirk

Jeff seemed taken back

"What did you just say to me?" He asked bluntly

"Face it dad, your losing your power. And Dylan? He's making it big. He's killed more people than you and he's so Good at it, It's kinda a turn on"

Jeffrey had rage on his face and honestly I was ready to punch my daughter in the face.

"Go to your room now, I don't care if you need to kill you are not coming out for the weekend, do you understand me? And next time you wanna be a smart ass bitch you better think twice, do you understand ya little shit?" Jeffrey dragged out the last three words.

I had never seen him this mad but now we know who to go after next. Deadly Dylan.

I love Jeff the killerWhere stories live. Discover now