101 Questions

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Colleen is waiting for Heather outside for a ride home. aka when she'll be asked one hundred and one questions.

Colleen finally spots Heather rushing to her car in a hurry. She hears a click, meaning the doors are unlocked and she hops in.

Colleen sighs to herself seconds before Heather attacks her with questions like, "are you really pregnant?" "who's the father?" "why won't you tell me who he is?" "when did this happen?" "why didn't you tell me when you first found out?" ...

Colleen understands why Heather is freaking out, but, Colleen hasn't let it sink in that she's having a baby with an almost stranger.

"Heather, you keep asking who the father is and I'm not going to tell you until I tell him. Okay? I need to let it sink in. I still haven't caught up with reality." I say with a slight attitude.

"no need to bitch at me Colleen, I'm just worried for you." she replies.

"I understand but I need to see a doctor and tell him before I give you any more answers. Is that okay?" I ask trying to be nice this time.

"I don't have an option do I?"


she sighs and turns into her parking spot.

they live in the same apartment building just not the same apartment.

"Colleen, are you going to be able to pay and have time for this baby?" Heather asks Colleen while they walk to the second floor together.

"I don't know Heather. I really don't. I'm probably gonna get an abortion or get it adopted by a family who can afford a kid."

"are you telling your family?"

Colleen shrugged. "they think I ditched them so they probably assume  I've been knocked up plenty by now."

"have you?" Heather asked. "been knocked up plenty, I mean."

Colleen got slightly offended at Heathers question.

"look Heather, this might be a tad of to much information, but I've had sex once in my eighteen years of life and it was the biggest mistake I've made ever. So no I haven't been knocked up plenty. Only one time and guess what. Now I'm pregnant so I suggest you don't do the same." Colleen shouted. Frustration filled her slim body as she stormed to her apartment.

Heather stood there in shock and just watched Colleen storm away.

Colleen sank to the floor again after locking her door. She sobbed for hours on end until she was very much dehydrated. She got up from the ground and chugged a bottle of water in under three minutes.

She went to lay down to relax and catch her breath in her bed, where it happened, and slipped under a dark sleep.

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