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[ HOPE ]

It had been three weeks since the events in the rooftop. Sean and Malia hadn't talked to each other in three long weeks.

He kept on repeating how stupid he was for telling her. He stayed awake for nights, asking himself why did he have to ruin their friendship. He hated himself for it.

He lived his life normally. He still danced, he still cooked, he still played instruments, but he didn't do it the same way.

She was confused. In school, she wasn't the same. In the tennis court, she wasn't the same. With her family, she wasn't the same. She liked Sean, but she knew it was too late.

Living in the same building made things hard for them; like when Malia went to the pool center to clear her mind, and Sean and his friends were there; or when Sean went to the parking lot and Malia was there with her mom.

Things were hard, and they both knew it. They didn't like the situation they were in. They wanted to be friends again. To be inseparable like they once were.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Malia's friend Haley asked her.

"Uh, nothing. Why do you ask?"

"You're different. You changed."

"I'm just distracted, you know, girl issues."

Haley nodded, not fully convinced.

"Sean, are you alright?" His best friend Josh asked him.

"I'm fine." Lies

"Then why do you look so cold and sad?"

"I've been watching too much Grey's." They both laughed, but of course, another lie.

Four weeks. Four weeks now. They were both miserable. They changed. That's how much love can mess you up. It can break your heart, or put the pieces back together. Or both at once.

They both walked towards the elevator. She walked with The Killers singing in her ears. He walked with his phone playing a video of his friend Kenneth. She clicked the button to go down, but he hadn't noticed her yet.

And when he did, he felt mad. Mad at himself. Mad at everyone, except at her. That was typical of him.

"Hi" He said to her. She didn't listen since she had the headphones on, and was looking down at her feet.

He decided that staying quiet was better.

"Hi" She said back.

The elevator opened its doors, and they both got in. This time, Sean pressed the button to go to the parking lot.

It was awkward. Very awkward. And they both hated it.

"I'm sorry." She said.

He couldn't believe what she had said. She thought it was her fault, and that made his heart break.

"You don't have to be sorry."

"Yes I do. It's my fault that we..." She was cut off.

"No it's not. Please don't think that." He said; he felt like crying.

She didn't say anything.

A few seconds passed, and the doors opened. Sean got out. When the doors were about to close again, he turned around. He was going to say something but was cut off by her.

"I know." Malia said, and the doors closed.

So Sean hoped that things would get better.

Because hope, is the best thing a person can have.

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