She walked away

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She loved you through everything
You showed as if she didn't.
it was easy for her to love
You were the one who gave her reasons to say it isn't.
She poured all her heart
Not just to fall apart.
She was hurt
But made sure you weren't.
But to watch your flowers grow
She stood cold in the snow.

And then the seasons turned around
Madly happy to have you found.
You watched her smile as it faded
Seeing the new angel who had invaded.

You laughed with her through her tough times
Forgetting her end number of cries.
And her wrist still has those cut lines
Which she made every night.

Wiping tears, she walked away
Difficult done, easy to say
But your flowers needed sunshine
And you showed her that she brought rain.
And that day was a turning point
She walked away to find her own sunshine.


She Walked AwayWhere stories live. Discover now