Zodiac signs as girl group choreos

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Aries: Up and down -  EXID iconic, fierce, powerful and sexy

Taurus: Sting - Stellar cute but also sexy (in a subtle way), lots of hand gestures

Gemini: Lovey Dovey - T-Ara Peppy, lots of leg moves, both super easy and super difficult steps. 

Cancer: Cheer up - TWICE Sparky, adorable, it's hard to focus on just one member. 

Leo: Madonna - Secrete Powerful, has "I'm the coolest diva" vibe

Virgo: Deepened - Brave Girls Elegant, humorous, ethereal in a way

Libra: Genie - SNSD Everyone loves it, sexy but not too much

Scorpio: something - Girls Day sensual, captivating, effortlessly beautiful 

Sagittarius: Short hair - AOA Flirty, simple yet does the work

Capricorn: Alone - Sistar sensual but delicate, firm

Aquarius: Catallena - Orange Caramel Uniq, one does not simply forget it 

Pisces: Happiness - Red Velvet Bubbly, joyful, lovely, lively 

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