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I'm HimchanTokki

I've been making graphics since June 17, 2016

So far on a scale of 1-10 I'd give myself a 5.5

I don't have a computer so I use Photoshop apps
(mainly Picsart but , I'm still exploring) And I don't have any money so I only use the free ones.

So far I made a little over 30 covers but only about 20 I have.

Another thing you should know is that I'm 16.

I see myself as introspective, reserved and compassionate.

I'm also black... That's about all I would say about that I don't know if I'm part any other race.

I like a lot of things but obsessed with a few hobbies

1. Astrology

2. Psychology

3. Creating Art

4. Harry Potter

I'm very impulsive and had quite a few accounts before the two I have now.

@HimchanTokki is my writing account

My main priority on there is my Enchanting Book.

Its half charmed famfiction half phan famfiction.

@Venuspowered is for Graphic making and entering contest

I don't have a cover shop on there just a showcase book and a premades shop

I also created a group account called @SolarGraphics

I go by Jupiter on there

I also don't have any friends irl or online.

I just don't have much to say.

I like friendly debating but sometimes people take it personal.

But speaking of which there is a couple of things I don't agree with


Taylor Swift


Anti-fat shaming


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