Excuse my mistakes. Sorry for the long waits, school is always first for me. Enjoy though.
C H A P T E R - 15
The Sunday of the awards came around quicker than expected. It was 3 o'clock in the morning and Trey and I were getting ready to board our jet to Vegas.
"Three suitcases for only two days?" Trey shook his head as he took my bags from the trunk of his Maserati, handing one of them to me and carrying the rest.
"One of them has something important."
I winked and took Trey's hand into mine so that we walked hand in hand up the stairs of the private jet.
"Oh really?"
Trey looked down at me with an eyebrow raised. He looked tired, his eyes were red and he had heavy bags under them. Rehearsal had been wearing him out.
"Yes really, and you don't get to see until tonight."
Trey chuckled, sitting down on the jet's mini couch. We had two of his security, Crazy E and Pete, around because he would be too tired to deal with fans and media when he got to Vegas.
I lifted my legs on top of his lap laying back into the couch. He held my legs as he rubbed his red eyes.
"Baby, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just tired."
He yawned. I felt for him, he had been to rehearsal non stop for the past week perfecting his performance.
I lifted my legs off him and got up to cradle his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Today before the awards you're taking a break." I kissed his neck. "When we get to Vegas, we're going to get massages, and just chill out." I kissed his semi-thick lips then to his forehead.
"Mhm." Trey held my waist. "How bout running into people? I don't feel like it right now."
"We'll have Crazy E and Pete but we can have a masseuse come to our hotel room. You're just going to relax until it's time."
I kissed him lips again and he closed his eyes kissing back. A soothing look placed onto his beautiful, muscular face. I smiled at how my kisses relaxed him.
"I'd like that baby."
He kissed me once more before laying back in his seat, dozing off. I laid on top of his chest and heard his heartbeat. I smiled at how similar it was to mine.
"That shit feels nice." Trey hummed into the pillow as I took my time massaging his shoulders. After seeing that masseuse, all perky and way to damn excited, I decided against that idea. I'd just do it myself.
"It does huh?" I kissed the top of his ear, continuing his massage. I laughed as Trey groaned and hummed under my touch.
I put the oil on my hands and I soothingly massaged his back and shoulders. I sat on his lower back massaging and rubbing the oil down and then up again as he laid on his stomach.
Trey dozed off into his third sleep of the day and it was only 4p.m. I got up and walked into the marble designed hotel master bathroom and wiped my hands. When I got back into the room Trey's personal phone was vibrating against the nightstand.
I was going to put in on silent so he could sleep soundly but when I saw 'Alenaa' blinking across the screen my insecurities got the best of me.
"Hello?" I answered the call with a slight attitude.
"No. This is Trey's girlfriend, Kyla. He can't come to the phone now."
"Um ok, well can you take a message?"
"Of course."
"Can you tell Trey to please be at MCM Grand by 6 o'clock fully dressed so we can do one last run through before the red carpet starts."
"No problem. We'll be there." I stated cockily.
"Wonderful. What's your name? Karen?" She sounded like she was acting smart. She knew my name, I was all in the blogs now-a-days.
"No hunny. It's Kyla. I believe I said it before."
She chuckled. "Cute. I guess I'll see you tonight." She ended the call.
I didn't even know her and she was getting under my skin. And now Trey had to go on a two month tour with her? I rolled my eyes setting Trey's phone down.
I grabbed my phone off the bed and called Trey and I's wardrobe designer/stylist, our tailor and TeeTee, the dick-em-down diva, my makeup and hair stylist. They all said they'd be at our hotel in about an hour.
"Who was that?" Trey's groggily voice made me shiver. It was just so attractive and husky.
"Oh." Trey wiped his eyes sitting up. "What'd she want?"
"Said to be at MCM by 6 with your red carpet clothes and stuff so y'all could run through."
Trey nodded his head before staring at me. My wavy hair was fixed in a neat ponytail and I was wearing a mini-dress. It wasn't fancy, just comfortable. He stared at me longer, his beautiful eyes piercing my body, like he was trying to burn a hole through me.
"Stop doing that." I chuckled.
"What? What am I doing?" His voice got deep and even more husky.
"You're staring at me and not doing anything."
"You want me to do something?"
More huskiness. Oh god why was he doing this to me?
"Jesus..." I mumbled.
"Nah, don't call Jesus." Trey said getting up and setting himself in between my legs.
"Who am I suppose to call?" I said raising my eyebrow, quizzically.
I loved teasing him like this, just awaiting the cocky answers made me flow.
Trey put his hands on the side of my thighs not moving them. He still looked in my eyes, he was teasing me more than I could tease him and I didn't if I could keep it up without giving in to him.
"Well.. Daddy." I said in the sexiest voice I could master. I bent down to whisper in his ear. "Remember that suitcase that I had?"
When I saw the large bulge in Trey's pants, I smirked. I knew it was working.
"Actually no. But I do remember what I got in my pants." Trey said in his sexiest, deepest voice.
"I remember too." I kissed his cheek and got up off the bed. "Excuse me." I knew it was wrong to leave my man on rock hard but I wasn't going to lose this one. I don't care how childish it was.
"Nuh uh, I'm done playing these game with you." Trey grabbed my waist and flipped me onto the bed and hovered over me.
Trey cupped my ass, hungrily kissing my lips. I didn't give into him at first but he stuck his hands into my wetness and when I gasped, he took the advantage.
We rolled around on the large king bed over and over fighting for dominance while still kissing. Trey pulling my dress over my head and I tugged at his sweats.
I kissed Trey's neck as he sucked, pinched and bit on my nipples. "Oh my God!" I squealed trying to lift myself from his hold.
"Don't run away from me. What happened to all that shit you was talking?" Trey held me down and rubbed my thigh as his tongue explored he rest of my body.
"Don't call him."
A knock on the door interrupted me. Trey acted as if he didn't hear it still going down on me.
"Baby the door."
"Forget that door." Trey grabbed my hips but I stopped him.
"It's our stylist and stuff, beside we have to get ready." I groaned. I was just as upset as he was.
"I dont care." Trey said in his husky voice. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. The awards were important for him and I couldn't be selfish.
"Nope. We'll continue later Daddy." I said teasing him. "Go get the door while I put my dress back on."
"Ugh." Trey lifted himself off me. I felt bad cause I could see he still had a hard on but I'd take care of him later. Trey walked out the door and I slipped my dress over my head.
The flashing lights hit us as soon as Trey's Maybach pulled up into the lot.
The photographers yelled for Trey's attention and asked me personal questions as we got out of the car.
Trey would have three outfit changes throughout the night but too start with he rocked Diesel jeans, an all white AX tee, Tom Ford jacket and Giuseppe sneakers.
A few of his gold chains sat on his chest and a clean white and black Last Kings SnapBack laid backwards on his head.
I graced the red carpet in a black body fitting, thigh length elegant but chic Herveleger dress, Red Moshocino leather jacket, and Givenchy knee length heel-boots.
My hair was styled in a curly updo with strings of loose hair hanging. My makeup was to the minimum with a light pink blush, dark lipstick and a nude eyeshadow. I wasn't going to go all ballroom gown because it wasn't me.
"Lil Trey, this way please." The photographers yelled.
"Any news of you popping the question to your girlfriend Lil Trey?" Reporters yelled also.
I held my laughter as I smiled and turned left then right for the cameras to snap.
"Ms.Kyla are you touring with Lil Trey next week? We'd love to see more of you." More reporters stated.
Trey took some separate shots as fans screamed. Lala Anthony, who was the red carpet host, interviewed Trey as the lights keep flashing.
"Ms.Kyla anything from you in the future." A reporter shoved a mic in my face, awaiting an answer while a cameraman filmed.
"Um no. I'm a behind the scenes type, nothing but support. A clothing line maybe but nothing soon." I smiled walking off as photographers took more pictures.
We finally walked off the red carpet and into the theatre. Trey had to go backstage to get ready for the show so I took my reserved seat in the second row.
"Look at you, playing rapper wifey." I turned to see Angel walking towards me.
"Never playing." I laughed kissing her cheek. "But that red carpet is crazy as always, so nosey."
Angel laughed, her beautiful smile shining bright, literally. "They doing they job. But I'm gonna take my seat. I'll see you after the show."
I kissed her cheek again before she walked off with Kash and the kids to her seat all way on the right side of the theatre.
The seats started to fill with artist of all genres, their family, friends and fans that won tickets. The cameras for the televised part of the show started filming as the host, Kevin Hart, came out to start the show.
"Tonight we honor some big people in the industry and the ones rising to the top. If you readaaay, to have a hell of a good time. I am your hella good time."
The crowd cheered as the lights dimmed and stage set appeared. Chris Brown captivated the crowd with his unique voice and addictive dancing as he performed Fine China.
When he finished, the crowd gave him a standing ovation as they clapped and the young ladies, even the grown women cheered.
I felt someone brush past behind me. I turned to the left but there was no one but when I looked to my right my heart almost stopped.
I looked at Dre trying to avoid his eyes. My heart race 1000 Miles as I stared back him shocked. I shouldn't known I would see his scheming ass at an event like this.
"Kyla before you s-"
"Get the hell away from me!" I whispered harshly.
Kevin Hart continued with the show but I wasn't even paying attention as Dre stared back at me.
"D-don't say it! No." I noticed the the person sitting next to me look up to see the building scene and my palms got sweaty.
I walked out of my seat and sneakily rushed done the aisle and out into the hall.
I tried to find the backstage to tell Trey or a girls bathroom.
"Kyla!" Dre called after me. I was still trying to find the bathroom my anxiety was making me nervous and I couldn't think straight.
I ran into a dead end and banged my fist into the wall not caring if anybody heard. "Ugh!"
With my back faced the opposite way, I laid the head on the wall, wishing this wasn't happening to me right now.
"Kyla. Hear me out please."
I turned around to face him. "No! Just leave me alone! Ok?! You got what you wanted, just stop! Stop ruining my life!" I bellowed, never letting a tear escape my eyes.
I was hoping no one could hear me as I yelled out my feeling to Dre. He didn't deserve to see me like this but I couldn't and wouldn't hold it.
"Kyla. Listen to me ok, I've been getting help. I know what I did to you was wrong and you have every right to be mad at me but listen I don't want anything from you, just for you to forgive me."
"Forgive you? Get the fuck out of my face. You see what you did to me? I will never forgive you. You need to move before I call the police and ruin this whole shit!"
"Don't Kyla me!"
"Kyla! Just listen to me!" His voice made me jump back a little. He sighed. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just want you to listen." His voice calmed down.
"You got 30 seconds." I said with my jaw clenched.
"I left America. I was in Columbia and I got help, I been seeing a therapist and my eyes opened. I see what I did you and Kyla that was more then fucked up. I just want you to know, I'm working on me. I just need you to forgive me so I can continue working on me. If you need time I understand I just want you to know. Look this is not even the full story, here's my card call me when you want to talk." I couldn't read this face because I couldn't trust him. He looked sincere but I didn't know what too see, or feel.
I snatched the card and began to strut away speechless. I had nothing to say to this man, I didn't want talk to him nevertheless look at his worth less ass.
I turned around once more to look at him. "What?" I sneered at him.
"I never ever stopped loving you and I'm so sorry."
I looked at his card then back at him. Nope, nothing to say. I just walked off, finally letting the tear fall.

Material Girl
General FictionKyla Walker is a material girl with a luxurious life full of diamonds, limousines, VIP sections in the hottest clubs in Miami, G5 private jets and expensive houses on the beach. She has the life every girl dreams to have or does she? Behind closed d...