Monsters, Books, and Secrets

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My phone rang as I was driving down the road in my metallic blue 1967 Chevy Impala, Beauty. I smiled as I answered, "Hey, De, what's up now?"

"Hey, Lex, did you know about these books about us? Supernatural?" Dean sounded pissed. I groaned inwardly. I knew about the books for a while now and I had been hoping that De and Sammy would never find out.

"Yeah," I said with a small sigh, "how did you find out?"

I could hear him suck in an angry breath then after a minute he said, "We were on a case and a guy thought we were 'larping' as Sam and Dean from the books." He paused for a moment and I waited for him to continue. "We went to the publisher already and got the real name and address of the writer. I sent you a text with the location if you want to meet us there."

"Yeah, sure why not." I relented because, although it sounded like a suggestion, I knew it was a request. I looked down at my phone (A/N: Don't text and drive people) before I said, "Yeah, I can be there in one hour."

"Thanks, Lex. See you there."

I sighed as I hung up my phone and tossed it into the passenger seat. I'd known how this was going to go. De probably realized how graphic the stories get. In hindsight, it was a bit personal. Shaking my head with a smile, I drove to meet the boys at the unsuspecting writer's house, while the soulmark on my neck began to tingle.

An hour later I pulled Beauty up behind Dean's Baby. I smiled at my brothers as I walked over to give my little brother a hug. "Hey, brat how're things going with the dork over here?"

Sam laughed. "It was going fine until all this happened. You doing okay shorty?"

I rolled my eyes as my twin brother came up to me with a hug. "Enough chit-chat nerd, let's find out what's going on here."

I nodded as we made our way to the front door. "What's Carver Edlund's real name anyway?"

De glanced at me and said, "Chuck Shurley," before he pressed the doorbell.

The man that opened the door was not what I expected. He was a couple inches taller than me and looked scared out of his mind.

"Are you Chuck Shurley?" Dean asked Sammy added, "The Chuck Shurley who wrote the Supernatural books?"

I could feel the confusion and panic coming from him in waves. "Maybe. Why?"

De got right to the point as he responded, "I'm Dean, this is Sam and Lex. The Dean, Sam, and Lex you've been writing about."

I felt Chuck's disbelief as he closed the door in our faces and Dean pressed the doorbell again.When Chuck opened the door a second time to tell us off, I cut him off by saying, "Let me make this clear to you. I'm Lex Winchester and these are my brothers Sam and Dean."

I smiled as realization dawned on his face. "The last names weren't in the books," he said as he took a step back. "I never wrote it down or even told anyone." He turned and walked away and we took the opportunity to follow him inside.

We followed Chuck into the living room and Dean sat down, Sammy leaned against the wall and I followed Chuck as he went to his desk and poured himself a drink. The soulmark on the back of my neck started tingling as I watched the nervous man before me. He turned back around and jumped, clearly not expecting us to be there. "Oh, you're still there. You're not a hallucination."

He started to sway and I grabbed him to steady him, my hand going around the back of his neck. The next second his eyes went wide as I felt a jolt of realization. I touched his soulmark. As this was the first contact I knew it meant we were soulmates.

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