After the Shark

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About two weeks later Chuck and I had gotten into a routine. When he woke up from a vision of my brothers he would spend the day writing and I would try to organize the house. I say try because I would either get distracted watching Chuck work or he would finish his work early and distract me.

That day started out normal but I could tell something was wrong as I sat by Chuck's desk reading a book. For one thing, Chuck was hardly writing anything. He kept glancing at me, which was not unusual, but what was unusual for him was the worried look on his face. Just when I thought I was going to snap my phone started blaring 'My Heart Will Go On.' Puzzled because I was sure I didn't have that song set as a ringtone let alone even have it on my phone, I picked it up and laughed when I saw whose name was on the caller ID. "Hey Sammy," I said cheerfully, "how's my favorite brother doing?"

"Since when am I your favorite brother?" Sam asked and in the background, I heard Dean say, 'Aw, Lex, that hurts!'

"Since Dean swiped my phone last time I saw you guys and he changed your ringtone to 'My Heart Will Go On,'" I replied in a deadpan voice.

I heard a thud followed by, 'What the hell Sam?!' Sammy replied, "Dude, 'My Heart Will Go On'?! Really?!" 'Oh yeah,' Dean responded with a chuckle.

"So," I said to change the subject, "what're you guys calling about?" I glanced at Chuck and noticed he had stopped pretending to write and was watching me nervously.

"Well," Sam said slowly, "does the name Adam Milligan mean anything to you?"

"What happened to Adam?!" I said in a panic. Adam was our younger half-brother that Sam and Dean hadn't known existed.

"Lex, I'm so sorry," Sammy said and I dropped the phone in shock.

Chuck picked up my phone and talked to my brother, "Hey Sam. She uh...I think she's in shock. Yeah, I know. I'll take care of her." He hung up the phone and reached for me. Chuck lifted me gently from the chair and carried me upstairs to our bed. As soon as he put me down tears began streaming from my eyes. He sat beside me and held me close.

"I promised him. I promised Daddy. I was supposed to be there to protect him."

"Lex, baby, it's not your fault. It was a pair of ghouls out for revenge. There's no way you could have stopped them both."

I let out a soft sob and cuddled closer to Chuck. "But he never knew about Sam and Dean. Dad made me promise never to tell Adam what happened to him." Fighting back the tears, I looked at Chuck and saw in his mind the visions of me and Adam as we bonded over the years. I was the one Dad had trusted from the beginning with Adam's secret. Maybe it was just because I could have spotted the lie right away but he trusted me all the same. Tears streaming, I clung to my mate and fell into a restless sleep.

The next day I woke up to see Chuck had moved me in the night. He had shifted me so I was under the blankets and stripped off my clothes. I was cuddled up against his bare chest, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I smiled softly as I watched my mate sleep. Pressing a kiss to his lips, I watched his eyes flutter open. Smiling at me, he sat up against the headboard saying, "I'll never get tired of waking up to you."

I sat up where I was, the sheets pooling around my bare waist. A sly smile crept across my face when I looked at Chuck through my eyelashes and saw my mate staring at me with a fierce desire. I slowly crawled the short distance to him and was pleased to hear the aching moan that escaped him. Drawing up before him, I gasped in surprise when Chuck rolled me over and pinned my hands above me on the bed. He gave me a satisfied smirk and twenty minutes later we were laying breathlessly in the same position we started in, cuddled together.

"I love you," Chuck said, smiling at me sleepily.

"I love you too." We both froze and looked at each other. That was the first time I had ever said it. My mate stared at me in surprise for a second before a happy smile appeared on his face.

We laid together in silence for awhile before we got up and Chuck made breakfast while I called my brothers.


"Lex, are you okay?" came my twin's frantic voice from the other end of the line.

'Dean, give me my phone back!' Sammy hollered in the background.

I giggled at their antics and replied, "Yeah, De, I'll be okay."

Dean sighed in relief as he handed the phone back to Sam. "Lex?"

"I'm here, Sammy."

"Look, Lex," Sam began nervously. "I understand why you didn't tell us about Adam. I'm sorry we didn't-"

I cut him off by saying, "There isn't anything any of us could have done. Chuck told me what happened." I took a deep breath and smiled to myself. "You know I love you guys, right?"

"We love you too, Lex. We just don't say it as much as we should."

'No chick flick moments!' I heard Dean yell in the background and I laughed.

"Okay, Sammy. I'll talk to you guys later."

"Stay safe, shorty."

"Always, brat."

I hung up the phone and went to join my mate for breakfast.

Soulbound ChaosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora