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That's about the only thing the small ginger could feel as the world before him came back to life as he indeed came back to life. "Great I can't even kill myself without fucking up." He says going to sit up. A nurse comes in at that moment. "Mr. Anderson, you're awake. How are you feeling? You had alcohol poisoning and well we are also placing you on suicide watch.... I'm sorry but you can't leave this room." The woman says with a soft smile looking at the boy who just looks numb. "Ok." The small redhead says quietly. "You also have a visitor who's been waiting here for nearly three days now for you to wake up." The nurse says gently. "They can come in." Kevin says with no emotion behind it. "Okay I'll go get him right away." She says smiling thinking its a good thing he's open to social interaction.

There's a knock on the side of the rooms doorframe "come in." The small voice of the ginger says not even bothering to look and see who it is because he already knows. "Greetings pumpkin." The voice he was expecting says taking a seat next to the little ginger's bed. "Eddward you know this only makes me hate you more, right?I know that you were the one who called the ambulance." Kev says bitterly. "I know pumpkin but I saw you lying there you looked so lifeless and it felt like my whole world was.... Taken from me." Eddward says saying the last part quietly. "If you think that's going to make me forgive you, it won't. I wanted to die isn't it obvious? I have nothing to live for." The small redhead hisses cold heartedly. "Then let me show you that you are worth it." Eddward tries. "How? By forcing yourself on me until I give in? I only kissed you that one time because I thought it would get you to go away. If you really love me then you'll let me die." Kevin says a little too flatly with literally no emotion behind it. "Pumpkin please, I'm not telling you to live for me. I want you to live for yourself." Eddward explains unconsciously reaching for the ginger's hand and its instantly slapped away. "Don't spew that shit at me. I don't want to live isn't that obvious? Did you not see all those bottles? Did you not notice how much contact I was avoiding even with my best friend Nazz? Did you not see any of the hints I've been dropping since my mom died?! I don't want to live this life anymore....." The ginger says whispering the last part as a tear falls down his cheek. Eddward reaches out to wipe the tear away and Kevin slaps it away once again. "Please just leave me alone!" The little ginger sobs. "I just want everyone to leave me alone that's all I've wanted. I've been a target for bullies all my life no matter how hard I try and make myself invisible they always still see me. Then there is you who sexually harasses me on a daily basis making everyone think I'm gay because you're constantly rubbing up against me!" The redhead snaps as his face twists angrily. "Pumpkin....I'm so sorry..." Eddward says looking worried over at the ginger. "You should be." Kev says turning away from Eddward who sits there holding his head down not even knowing what to do.
"You should leave." The ginger suggests coldly without even looking back. "I think I will for today pumpkin... Get some rest please.." Eddward says before standing up and walking out the room. 

On Eddward's way out he walks into a familiar bubbly blonde. "Eddward? What are you doing here." She asks suspiciously. "I'm here visiting someone I care about." Eddward shrugs. "Were you here for Kev?" She asks as he turns to walk away. "I was... He's not doing to good. I think he needs someone around he actually likes." Eddward says clenching his fists wishing he could be that person. "Is he really that bad?" The blonde asks concerned. "I mean he did try and kill himself..." The Raven whispers quietly. "Wait he what?! On the phone he said he just took too much Advil for a headache and overdosed accidentally...." She says  quietly back. "Nazz.... No. I found him there was bottles every where." Eddward says as his eyes widen. "Fuck don't tell him you know he will only hate me more." The Raven panics. "Eddward he doesn't hate you at all if you're the only one he's being honest with...." Nazz says gently. Eddward's fists unclench and his frown turns into a small smirk. "You might just have a point blondie... I won't give up then, Au Revoir." And with that he's gone. Nazz looks after him confused before knowing she needs to have a talk with her bestfriend.

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