Chapter 5: The betrayer

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     I had enough! I'm done with Jesus and his appaling behavior! I joined his group and left everything for him because I believed that his the Promised King of Isarael, but now as far as I can see, its far from what I expected!

     A lot of times where the people wants him to be there ruler but when the oportunity came, he always rejects it. That is so absurd! And now his talking about his death, pah! I'm done with it! His a fake!

     As I was running, I heard a voice that says, "Why not sell him?" I stopped running then I looked around. But no one is with me.

"Why not sell Jesus?" 

"Huh?" Then I looked around, " Who..who are you!? Where are you!?"

"Nah, that's not important " The voice replied, "What's important now is, What-to-do-about-Jesus."

"What do you want!?" I yelled.

"Nah, nothing. I just want to give you a friendly advice." 

"A friendly advice?"

"Yes, my friend." He replied. "You know that the Pharisees are head over heels mad at Jesus, why not sell Jesus to them? By that you can get money and at the same time, get rid of Jesus." 

"That sounds like a plan." Said I. 

     I went on a dark street where I pondered on what the voice had said to me earlier. Hahaha, it seems like Jesus has still some use for me. I went on the temple and knocked on its door.

"OPEN IT! OPEN IT!" I shouted while knocking a lot of times untill someone opens it.

"Who are you!" A guard asked. "Its too late at night."

"My name is Judas." Said I. "A disciple of Jesus." 

     The guard brought me to the high priest and the other priest, they said, "What do you want from us!?" But I replied, "No, the question is...What do you want for me?" The High priest Caiaphas looked at me keenly.

"Okay so tell me, why are you here?"

"Okay. I will get straight to the point." Then I whispered to him, "If I hand over Jesus to you, how much will you pay to me?" 

"What are you serious!?" The high priest replied.

"Yes, I'm dead serious."

"Hhhmmm....Lets say, how about thirty pieces of silver?"

"Then it's settled!" I said "Wait for my signal, untill then, dont make any move." Then I left the temple and went back at the house on Bethany the next morning.

Author's note:

     Thirty pieces of silver coin is the price for a slave, the priest took it out from the money box, money intended for the purchase of sacrificial animals, well in this case, it is the ultimate sacrifice. The LAMB OF GOD!

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