Women Aren't Strong. (Sokka/Reader)

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"Men are stronger than women. You can't even disagree. Look at these muscles! You can't doubt that these babies are the sexiest things you've seen!"

Y/N's eyes rolled back in her head for the umpteenth time that day at Sokka's constant ramblings. She truly didn't understand how he could go on and on and not realize no one was listening. Y/N was attempting to relax, she was tired of seeing white walls glaring down on her and foolishly invited Sokka with her.

The siblings and she had been close friends since they were young. They grew up together, witnessed their tribe growing smaller, watched their parents taken from them, saved a kid and a flying bison locked in ice, their home invaded. When she was younger Y/N saw Sokka as an older brother, but the older she and he have got...well, feelings change.

Team Avatar had been camping out in the Northern Water Tribe for a week at this point, and to say that they were all getting a bit stir crazy was an understatement. Well, all but Sokka. Y/N wasn't a fool; she saw the way he looked at Princess Yue, and moreover, how Princess Yue looked back at him. They were quickly falling for each other. Y/N wasn't jealous, she was glad that Sokka found someone who liked him. That's what she kept telling herself, anyway.

"Hey, Y/N," Sokka stepped closer to her, ignoring her eyes glaring at him from the side, "You agree with me, right? Of course, you do! You're not an idiot. Only a fool would--"

"No," she responded curtly, interrupting him before he could go into another speech.

Looking at Y/N like she'd grown a second head, Sokka stumbled over his words before deciding on a less than undignified, "W-What?"

"I don't agree with you. I am more than 100% stronger than you. I could take you down in less than five seconds," she finally tore her eyes away from the vast sea that laid in front and turned to face Sokka. If her strength couldn't put the fear of the gods into him, her frozen eyes that matched their surroundings could.

He scoffed at her confidence, "You wanna make a bet on that?"

A smile stretched across her lips. She thought that Sokka would have learned by now that betting against her always left him in debt, but who was she to deny more cash coming into her pocket?

"Sure. What should the winner receive? Hmmm...let's see. How about a day worth of coins!"

Sokka's face paled but attempted to play off his nervousness with a dignified laugh, "Sounds like an amazing idea! Let's see what you got, Y/N!" He took Y/N's hand and pulled her away from the water. He only did it so neither of them slipped into the water during their fight, Y/N thought.

While he was busy studying their hands still glued together, Y/N slipped her hand from his and clasped around his wrist before abruptly twisting his arm behind his back, pulling it high.

Sokka let out a screech of shock as he felt his leg swept under him, the permafrost suddenly pressed against his cheek.

Y/N straddled his lower back, still holding his arm, and leaned down, "I guess someone is going to be broke tomorrow, huh?" She pulled off of him with a laugh and stood, reaching a hand down to help her victim up. He accepted her hand but didn't let go when he regained his balance.

Her eyes scanned his strangely quiet ones, "Uh, Sokka? You okay there, bud? We don't have to go through with the bet if you don't want t--"

She was cut off by lips pressing against her own. Eyes widening, and not quite understanding what was happening, she slowly began to realize that Sokka was...kissing her!

He started to pull away, an apology already spewing from his mouth, but Y/N put that two a full stop, covering his lips with her own.

Slowly disconnecting, their foreheads pressed against one another, a smile cracking both of their faces.

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