My Earth Bending Queen

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It was the day after Zukos coronation. It was pretty fun, to be honest...but the only reason it was, was because of Aang and his friends. Zuko was busy with the other guests so he only got to wave and smile at us.
I was hoping that I would have gotten to finally tell him how I felt but...well it failed. So today, I promised myself that I'd tell him today. And...that was my plan....'till I walked in while Zuko and Mai were talking and laughing together.
I...couldn't watch them anymore. Not when it was so obvious that they liked eachother. Not when I knew he only saw me as a friend and there was no point of trying to tell him how I felt. So here we are now, with me speeding down the hallway to the many guest bedrooms.
My mind was made up. I am going to pack my very few belongings here and go back to Omashu, to my parents. Did I want to live with them again? No. That was for sure. But I'm not going to stick around with the guy who I love that loves another. And if I regret it than I'll deal with it when it comes that time.
I walked into the room and grabbed my small bag. I didn't need a big bag anyways. The majority of the clothes in the room were spares so I wouldn't look like how I always did to the coronation. My heart sped up as I heard footsteps coming closer to the door.
I blocked out the sound and packed quickly, slipping on my tan flats. I froze when I heard a voice. Not just any voice...Zuko...his voice.
"Y/n...? Why are you packing? I didn't know you guys were leaving so soon," he sounded disappointed was probaly an act. He was happy that he'd get Mai all alone.
"They aren't. I am," I said coldly, trying to push past him to get to the door, only to be stopped by him grabbing my forearm.
"Why? I want you to stay. At least for a bit longer," a smile started to form on my lips, only to drop when he spoke again, "but I understand if you have to go."
I jerked my arm away from him, "Doesn't matter why. It's obvious that you don't want me here. You have Mai instead." I huffed and stormed out of the room, knowing that Zuko was following.
"It matters to me. Mai is just a friend. I'd want the girl I love here with me instead." My mind along with everything else stopped. Did....did he just say...that he loved me..?
After a few seconds, which might have been a minute or two, I slowly turned around, looking at him, "" Somehow, I blushed even harder at the sound of how high my voice was.
He nodded, blushing a bit himself as he looked to the side, "Uh...yeah. I do.." A huge smile grew on my lips as I dropped my bag and kissed him and, hisself kissing back, laying his hands on my hips, wrapping my own hands around his neck, slightly pulling him down more.
Sadly, we had to pull away because of breathing, how boring. "I love you too, Zuko."
A chuckle left his lips, "I figured that out." I thumped the back of his head and kissed him again.

Avatar: The Last Airbender x Reader One-ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang