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It was rather cold up here in the fire escape and i have no where else to go but up, i would go down but i don't want to end up in the rubbish bins and smelling like an alley cat hanging out with cat bums and consuming rats galore all day. i didn't climb far but i just went  up to the second floor of the apartment, still somewhat close to my bathroom window listening to the sounds of an angry Australian banging at the door desperate to get into bed with me; Not only that i cringed at the thought of it but i cringed at how cold it is outside and i was beginning to shiver. i peeked at the window next to me, the curtains were drawn close but i saw the silhouette of man soundly sleeping in his bed.  i heard the bathroom door banged open and i quickly open the neighbors window and slowly climbed inside and even though i was careful i knocked something over cause the man in the bed to jump and flicked on the light holding an empty beer bottle in one hand ready to throw it at me, i can tell you he was quiet handsome slightly tanned skin and from the Angle he seems to be at least 5,10 to six feet tall, his eyes are big and green as the ocean with curly wavy hair and somewhat muscular built. "Who are you? and what are you doing in my room? he said rather stern and serious glaring back at him.

as i stare at him "i'm sorry for intruding, there's the most terrifying man downstairs. he's okay when he's not drunk but let him start lapping up the vino, and oh golly Quel Beast! it got so annoying and i went out the window" glass shattered in the background and it cause me and the man to jump. "You can throw me out if you want, even though i couldn't see much you looked so cozy and it was getting cold on the fire escape." i said to the stranger with all my sincerity, the man in the bed gaze soften and places down the empty bottle of bear "well come inside then." he said as he yawn, i climb inside the room all the way and close the window shut "Thank you, you are very kind." i said smiling and went to sit on the couch by the table which was piled high with scripts of plays/ screenplays and a folder with professional photos of the man on his bed "You're very photogenic you know, something about your eyes" i said bluntly causing the man to chuckle "why thank you" he said reaching for a box of Marlboro cigarettes and a  silver lighter. he offered  a cigarette my way but i shake my head indicating i don't smoke..well i  haven't smoke in the pass 4 years. "What is your name kid?" he asked me "Paulo. Paulo Ramirez, yours?" i asked there was a short silence between us as he let out a drag of the cigarette "Victor da silva pereira" he said rather romantically. "sounds exotic" i responded with excitement then took a glance around the room, it was a rather dull room, the wall paper was literally a century old and brown with Roman ruins design on it " speaking of which, this place wouldn't be such a dungeon if you FrouFrou it up a bit, have you gave it any thought?" i asked "i think of nothing else." he had a hint of playfully sarcasm in his voice with a charming smile across his face "oh i'm so glad! what have you come up with?" i asked curiously "well there's this bird cage at an antique store around the corner" he was about to continue but i cut him off quickly "i don't like things in cages" i responded to him rather coldly but Victor reassured me and said "oh there's nothing in the cage, the cage it's self is the attraction, it's filled with bamboo roots and minarets" he went on explaining about the lovely decorated bird cage and we went on talking for hours on end, we had so much to talk about.

i looked at the clock and it was already five minutes to  5 AM " it can't be, it just can't be. it's already 5am?" i said looking back at Victor who was smoking most of the time we were talking "i guess this what happens when two people have fun" he said "yeah i guess so" there was another short pause between us, i looked away for a moment staring at the window then back a Victor "if it's okay do you mind if i get in with you for a minute?" i asked kindly as i approached the bed and crawled onto the mattress and made my way towards Victor, i lay down on his broad chest and look up at him "um....sure, make yourself comfortable" he said softly. i smiled at him and whispered "Thank you" he smiled back "your welcome sweetheart" without thinking i kissed Victor softly on the lips, he kissed me back and pulled me closer into his big strong arms; the kiss began to get deeper and much more passionate,  my heart began to race as he slowly peeled off my robe. Then slowly Victor broke away from the kiss and slowly began to kiss my neck i felt his hands slowly pulling up my shirt revealing my nipples, he made his way down to my chest and begin sucking and tugging on my nipples with his teeth causing me to let out a small gasp and moan in pleasure after a few moments of sucking my nipples Victor once more kissed me on the lip and he pinned my hands down against the pillow, he began to french kiss and i tried doing so back it's been forever since i kissed someone so i'm a bit rusty at it. What felt like forever Victor eventually started to pull down my underwear down to my ankles and got in between my legs, he bite his bottom lip as he tried sticking a finger into my hole i screamed cause it felt somewhat painful "you're so tight" he said softly  "is that a bad thing?" i asked between gasp and moans as he tried sticking two fingers into my hole, he shook his and said "No. No it's a  compliment"  he quickly responded i somewhat sigh in relief and let out another scream as his two fingers were trying to loosen up my hole. Victor eventually pulled out his two fingers and used his saliva as a lubricant for his cock, it wasn't drastic big but it was really thick; He slowly pushed the head of his cock into my hole till eventually his entire cock was inside me. i let out a loud gasp and started to sink my nails into his back as he slowly began thrusting inside me till eventually he started thrusting faster and more strength into it, i started screaming to the top of my lungs at each thrust, i felt the walls of my hole tightening and clenching around his thick cock, he was groaning in my ears and whispered "i'm about the cum" he started pushing much deeper into me, i felt his cock about to throb and released an intense orgasm deep inside me. we were both still and silent, not a word was said after that moment. he eventually pulled out and flopped right next to me eventually falling a sleep. 30 minutes later i then realized "what have i done" i had sex with a man who i just  spoken to for the past couple of hours and we're already having was good....but still i barely know the man! god i'm such a whore! i thought screaming deep into the subconscious part of my brain, i slowly and quietly slipped out of the bed and put back on my clothes and bathrobe; i silently opened the window  back onto the fire escape but clumsy me knocked over a pile of paper work on Victors table causing him to jump up "Where are you going? hey wait!" he shouted i quickly closed the window shut and ran down the fire escape back to my apartment.

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