Chapter three

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  4 months has passed by since that unplanned night, i managed to avoid Victor, he would sometimes leave little notes on my mailbox and front door but in the late hours of the night after i shoo away my visitors and my number one stalker Jack Walters out of the apartment. i would slowly creep to the rooms above me and leave the gifts in front of the door with a little note said returned to sender hand written in stationary cards that I've kept in my room. eventually the gifts stopped coming and i thought it was all over and done with, but one early morning around 5:00am i decided to make a quick stop at Tiffany's before heading back home i heard a voice from behind me said "Good morning". I quickly turned around and there he was Victor da silva pereira standing in front of me all dressed up nicely and clean with a binder in one hand flashing his most charming smile, while me on the other hand i looked like a Hot mess mosquito after getting a beat down from an electric fly swatter on a hot summer day. "Well H-Hi there" i stuttered trying to avoid as much eye contact as possible cause it was awkward enough that we already done the deed when we just met.

"How are you? it's been 4 months since we last spoken to each other" he said grinning at me as thought what we did that night was a rather meaningless fling, like talking to a random stranger at a bus stop that you know you're only going to see once and only be intimate at that moment before parting ways. "Yeah" was all i said letting that thick uncomfortable silence grow between us, Victor glances away and scratches the back of head "So about that night." he started to break the ice of awkwardness that was growing between us "Please don't bring that up please" i semi-hissed at him as i was about to walk away. Victor grabbed me by my wrist and spun me around so that my eyes are locked on his green eyes; "hey...i just wanted to say that i was sorry, because we barely just met and-" i cut him off again "No, No i'm sorry i was the one that kissed you first which lead to that..i was ashamed of myself and my whore behavior" i said to him as i looked away and tried to find something to look at so i wouldn't look into those dreamy green eyes of him, i heard softly chuckle and i looked back at him and smiled back at him "No i don't think you're a whore, you're way to tight" he said bluntly and i couldn't help but laugh as well a little bit to loud "So where you heading off to now?" he asked still smiling i managed to get myself settled and cleared my throat "oh-um, i'm just going to head back home, out all night and i'm tired out." i explained to him "oh that's to bad i was going to ask if you wanted to have breakfast with me before i head to work." he said i somewhat blushed a bit "Well i would..maybe another time, what are you working on?" i asked him "Well, today we're doing a show for little kids at near by elementary, we're performing Snow white and the seven dwarfs" he explained but in the sound of his voice was a bit embarrassed "that's really impressing, you'll make a  great prince charming" i said to him to boost his confidence "Sadly i'm not the Prince....i'm one of the seven dwarfs" he said looking away, i covered my mouth so i wouldn't laugh it's funny but at the same time i think it's cute "Well, you'll be a cute dwarf" i joked "Yeah....Say, What are you doing later tonight?" he asked i pondered for a moment "hmmmm, nothing really, why?" i said  "well,um, if you want you want to see a movie with me later? and maybe get something to eat afterwards" he asked ever so shyly i smiled "Sure, i liked that." i said to him, it's been a while since I've been on a dinner and movie date with someone since all my "dates" have been about getting drunk at a bar in the city "great, i'll pick you up around 9:00 pm, i'll be knocking at your day" he said smiling brightly "okay then..well i should be heading home now and try to get some sort of rest" i said to him "well, get some rest now, i'll see you tonight" he said "Alrightys then, good bye till then" i waved farewell before turning around walking down the street in hopes to find a taxi to take me back to my apartment.

When i returned home, i couldn't go back to sleep. i was really excited about my date tonight with Victor so i spent half the day tidying up the apartment and made sure the cat had enough to eat. i went to my closet and picked out an outfit, nothing to fancy but  decent enough to out to the movies in. Around 5:00pm i head to the shower so i could wash my hair (it's been five days since i lasted washed it to tell you the truth) around 6:30 i was starting to feel a bit tired and i thought to myself since it's still early i could take a little nap, so i got myself comfortable and slowly drifted to sleep and most likely wake up  30 minutes from now.....I was wrong when i awoke, the room was pitch black, in the darkness of my room i felt around for my cell phone and turned it on; it was already 1:30am "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" i shouted out loud as i jumped out of the bed scaring the cat as i watched him run out into the living room of my apartment, i quickly ran into the bathroom and slipped on my bathrobe  then opened the window so i could climb up the fire escape to his apartment window.  there was light shining through it this time, i tried opening it but it was lock so i softly tapped at the window; Victor pulled the curtains aside i expected him to look pissed off and angry but he just smiled and pulled up the window for me so i could come in "i guess you're not a  door person are you?" he asked as i climbed inside the apartment, he close the window back shut "Victor i'm so-so-so sorry for bailing for not saying a word, i meant to take a small nap but i guess i over slept" i said frantically he placed a finger over my lips to shush me and he just smiled "Hey it's alright and besides you were out all night hanging out so i don't hold it against you" he said trying to reassure me that things are all right when deep down i still feel bad about "it doesn't matter, i want to make it up to you some how. i never bailed on anyone before" i said, Victor pondered for a moment then he walked over to the bed and flops on top of it and gestures for me to lay down next to him, feeling semi-nervous i went to lay down next to him and he reaches over to his night stand and picks up a ipad. he turns it on and picks on the Netflix icon "So what you are in the mood to watch?" he asked i sigh with relief i thought he wanted to screw me as a "make up" i'm glad he's not one of those guys "Well, i  don't know surprise me" i said to him 'Alright then" he replied as he picks out an old black and white movie for us to watch, i never watched many vintage films before but this movie was pretty good and being with him was also....kinda good itself...i felt good....somewhat like being at Tiffany's.

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