Echos of Daffodils

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I know he knows I am watching him.

I can see Daffid look over his shoulder as he sits on his sofa. He is scanning the dark hallway behind him. He gets up and walks to his bedroom door, turns on the light and enters. He turns off the light and leaves a moment later. I imagine he has looked in the closet and under the bed. He walks down the hall to the bathroom, flicks on the light and enters. I can just see him standing at the sink and then he moves where I can’t see him. He takes a minute in there and comes back out. I can see him look all around his living room and kitchen area. He shrugs and sits back down to watch some 3:00 am infomercial. I record all of this in my notebook.

I have loved, Daffid Swythyn-Jones from the first moment I saw him through my binoculars. He is perfect. I know he loves me too. One day I will be Nechol Swythyn-Jones. We were made for each other. That is how he knows I am out here, waiting for him.

I know everything about Daffid from his favorite food- Hawaiian pizza to his work schedule, his sleep schedule, how often he showers, what he throws out as junk mail, how cute he looks sleeping in front of the TV and, where he likes to shop. I even know when his best friend’s birthday is. I mean was. Daffid was understandably sad when Kevin died in that horrible hit and run. I wanted to take him in my arms and never let him go. But the time wasn’t right for us to meet as Daffid still needed to break up with his bitch girlfriend Ginnifer- stupid name! Some Good Samaritan sent him some compromising photos of her and some other guy. I watched the fight from my high-rise across the street. She looked like she was denying everything, crying and pleading. She even got down on her knees and begged! Dumb, cheating cow. My Daffid knew what’s what and threw her out. She is lucky nothing worse happened to her.

Daffid is falling asleep. I smile and whisper, “I love you. I will see you tomorrow, my Darling. It will be a special day for us.”

I get up at 9:00am. I watch Daffid’s phone glow and he reaches out to grab it. He gets up, stretches and heads to the washroom. 9:18 he leaves wearing just a towel. He looks a little thin! He goes to his room. I imagine him getting dressed. He checks himself in the mirror next to the front door right before he leaves at 9:27. A little behind schedule today, Daffid hasn’t been sleeping very well lately.Today is magical. I am visiting our apartment today. Daffid dropped his key for me while I followed him to work yesterday and I made my copy. I knew he loved me! I left his keys with the concierge for him to pick up when he got home yesterday. I kept my copy on a chain close to my heart.

I walk over to my boyfriend’s place and enter for the first time.

I see myself in the mirror right beside the door. I look like I belong here!

I look out the window at my window across the road. I wave and smile.

I photograph everything.

I start in his bedroom. It is exactly what I expected. He has a queen sized bed, comforter tossed to the floor, sheets askew. There are lots of mirrors on the closet door, hanging on the wall and a tilting stand-up one. A few clothes are scattered about but otherwise it’s tidy like the rest of his…I mean, our place. I go through all his cupboards, shelves and movie collection. I go into his bathroom. I watch my hand reach out to the mirror and pull open up the medicine cabinet. Daffid has the usual things in there; shaving gel, razor and, cotton swabs. I look in the cupboard below and there is toilet paper, extra shampoo and a hand mirror. But the bottle of sleeping pills bothers me. Once I am here permanently, I will rub his shoulders and he will sleep like the dead. He needs a woman’s touch. Someone to cook and clean for him. Someone to take care of him, get him to work on time and schedule his day and make him her priority. Ginnifer couldn’t but I know I can! I write everything down in my notebook. When Daffid and I are together everything will be perfect!

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