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The next day, I went to visit with Marie. She was a freelance artist who had just finished her second art gallery, and she was taking a little break to focus on being a mum more. Evan was an accountant at HSBC and as a result, he wasn't home during the day, allowing me to spill anything I needed to Marie.

"I still can't believe you didn't tell me Matt was going to be on Doctor Who," Marie grumbled as we settled in her sitting room with some tea. I smiled and shook my head. "I wasn't allowed to tell anyone. I wasn't even supposed to know, I only did because I was the only one home when Moffat called to tell Matt. He just told me because Matt wasn't there." Marie huffed and I laughed.

"I still can't believe it," Marie said, shaking her head. "He's never even properly watched an episode!" Which was true. Whenever Marie, Clara, Olivia and I sat down to watch a new episode, Matt just kind of zoned out, playing on his phone, or leaving the room. He preferred True Blood.

"I had been thinking about it, actually," I told her. "What a good Doctor he would make. I was talking to his mum about it, and we both brought it up to him. Then his agent called and asked him if he wanted to go audition for it. I'm so glad he said yes. We couldn't live off of Party Animals forever."

"What about Womb?" Marie questioned. "That did pretty well."

"Yeah," I smiled. "I remember Matt asking me if I was uncomfortable with him being so intimate with Eva Green, and I told him honestly that I was jealous I couldn't be that intimate with Eva Green." Marie and I laughed, before I said, "But the money from Womb, we put into a savings account for Clara. For college, or whatever she wants to do when she graduates high school. So, we've been living off of the Party Animals money, but that doesn't last forever. Especially not with all our student loans. That's why I've been sending him to auditions for big shows, like Doctor Who. I thought he might get in for Sherlock too, though."

"Why didn't he?" Marie asked, taking a sip of her tea. I kept my mug in my hands, letting it slowly warm me up. "Moffat said he would've been a better Sherlock, and he auditioned for Watson. Plus, they had already cast Sherlock I guess. So he became The Doctor instead. Y'know, now I can go around and tell people I'm married to a doctor. To The Doctor. That's pretty impressive."

"Yeah, as long as you distinguish between a real doctor and your husband's role on the telly," Marie said, rolling her eyes. I laughed and shook my head, taking a sip of my tea. I looked down at my stomach nervously before looking up at Marie. She was answering a text, presumably from Chloe, before she set her phone down and looked at me.

"What?" She asked cautiously, seeing the worry etched into my face.

"Jaeson and I had sex like, six weeks ago, and I think I might be pregnant," I said quickly.

"What?" Marie asked in shock.

"I don't know what to do," I whined, tears filling my eyes. "Tell me what to do!"

"Jess, what the fuck?" I tugged at my hair in frustration. "He came over drunk. He and Ashlyn had a fight because she thought he was cheating, but he wasn't. He was just always thinking of me. And I tried to comfort him in a friendly way, but then he brought up all the times Matt's cheated on me and got me drunk and we had sex and then Matt came home, so I had to practically shove Jaeson out of my bathroom window. I hate myself for it, but I don't know what to do. How do I tell Matt I'm pregnant with Jaeson's child? And Ashlyn? Oh, God."

"You're not telling anyone," Marie said firmly, pulling her laptop off of the coffee table and on her lap. "You're going to go for a paternity test with Jaeson, and if he really is the father..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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