Chapter 2.

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Whoop whoop I updated again. Just saying that I won't normally update every day but for the past couple of days I've had an abundant amount of free time. So, enjoy!  

After Jack and Zack disappeared, Jesse and I split up. He wanted to look at the guitars while I went to see the overly generous collection of CDs and albums. The music was loud so we couldn't hear what was happening in the back, and besides the awkwardness of being within 20 feet of two guys getting it on, I was already having a great time.

The CD's, as it seemed, were ordered in no particular way, meaning I'd have to read every title of every CD to find the things I'm looking for. It would be tedious work, as there were literally hundred of stacks piled four feet high, but it would take my mind off of everything happening today.

I had made it though about three stacks when hands tickled my sides. I screamed and Jack released me and sat next to me, giggling. He appeared to be the type of guy to joke around all the time.

"How's the music hunt going?" He asked.

"Actually, it's going great! You guys have so much awesome music!" And they really did. Blink-182, Green Day, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters, and The Goo Goo Dolls were some of my favorite bands and so far I've found all of their entire discographies.

"So which ones are you getting?" He looked expectant, and I found myself upset to disappoint him.

"I don't have much money to spare, even for music." He gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Right. Well, why don't you pick out a few and you can pay me back later? I'm almost positive you'll be back here soon." My mouth dropped open. He barely knows me, yet he's being nice and buying me music? People just aren't this nice to me, ever. Unless they want something.

"What's the catch?" I asked. Jack frowned.

"No catch, just trying to help you out, man." Now I frowned. Ever since I was little, I've always had a sort of pessimistic view of the world. I guess you could say I saw the glass as being half empty most of the time. At this point, I can't even see why people talk to me anymore. I mean, I'm just a messed up kid with no parents anymore. The only thing I actually had to offer to the world was, well, music. I hope that my soul mate doesn't expect things I can't give.

"R-Right, Thanks. That means a lot." I said.

"No problem. So, pick what you want, and come meet the rest of us near the guitars." Jack jumped up and skipped-literally skipped- towards the other side of the gigantic store. I chuckled as he left and went back to looking.

I finally decided on 3 CDs: one by Nirvana, one by some band called La Dispute that a lot of people had recommended I listen to, and one by an up-and-coming band named Memphis May Fire. I had heard some of their songs, and they seemed like an awesome band too. They were also pretty young, all of them only eighteen or nineteen.

When I finally met up with them, Jack and Jesse were talking guitars and Zack was absentmindedly strumming a bass. "So, how long have you been playing? I've been for a little over five years." Jack asked Jesse.

"Oh, about three years, I've been playing a lot more though in the past year and a half then I ever expected to. Our band," Jesse gestured to me."Has been writing like crazy and trying to get together a demo to send out to record companies. We only have about three fully completed songs so far."

"Wait, you guys are in a band?! No way, so are we!" Jack jumped up and down excitedly. "We're called All Time Low, and it's me, Zack, and two of our best friends. We're even about to leave on our first tour!" Wait, it couldn't be the same one...

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