Crazy Picnic

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Its June 16 at the James house. Today is the special day that's circled very big on the calender. The annual Fairy Picnic.

"Daddy!!!"said running 5 year old Kaylee and 4 year old andre
"How's my pretty fairy and strong night?"
"Good. Look what mommy got me!!" She turned to show gavin purple wings
"Wow!!! You look beautiful."
"You should look at mommy. She looks beautiful-er."said andre
"Ok. Let's go look."
"K." She held his hand and walked to Brianna and Gavin's room. He opened the door to be shocked. Brianna hair was curled down. She was wearing a red flanel, ripped jeans, and black sneakers.

"Wow. For a 29 year old, you still look great."
"Thank u. Oh. Almost forgot." She put on red flower crown and red wings.
"You have wings!!!!!"said kaylee jumping up and down.
"MOMMY!!! Kaylee put me in wings!!!!"said andre almost crying
"Now why would u you do that?"said gavin
"Cause he looks good in it."
"How about we take out the wings?"said brianna
"Ok. Now that in dressed, we can go to the picnic."
They walked out the door and was half way there when andre just said something important.

"Mommy. Daddy."
"Yes honey?"said brianna
"Is it ok that we left lots of food on the table?"
"What food?"said brianna
"In grey."said andre
"THE FOOD!! Gavin go back!!!!"
"Got it."
"Hey sweetie. You wanna hang at Jordan's house?"
"I heard that nicole is gonna be there..."said gavin slyly

They dropped kaylee and andre at Jordan's house.
"Again. I'm sorry for doing this on such late notice."said gavin
"Its ok Gavin. Jordan will be happy to play with her."said Ms. Foster
"What about me auntie??"said nicole
"You too."
"Thank u mary. I'll be back in an half an hour. Bye."said brianna
"BYE MOMMY!!! BYE DADDY!!!"said kaylee. They drove off. They went inside.

"Jordan. Kaylee's here."said Ms.Foster. He came running towards them.
"Hey le!!" He waved
"Hi jay."
"Why are a fairy? U look pretty."
"I'm going to a picnic with mommy and daddy. Thank u." She blushed
"Welcome. Come on let's play outside."
"Play what?"
"How about The Fairy and The Joker."
"Why joker"
"Well, people think jokers are funny."
"I think there funny!!!!"
"Ok. Let's play." Jordan ran inside and got a funny looking hat. Kaylee laughed at it.

"Hey nic."said andre
"Do you wanna watch some nick jr?"
"Yay!!! Let's watch diego."
"Cool." They walked into he living from and watched tv.

"Hey fairy!!"said jordan
"Yeah joker?"
"Say stop 10 times." She did so.
"What do u go a green light."
"Wrong. U go!!!"
"Ahahahahah. Opps."
"Its ok fairy. Wanna go on the swings?"
"Yep." She hopped on the swing. He pushed her.
"Having fun little fairy?"
"Hey!! I'm not little."
"Yes you are." She hopped off the swing.
"Raise your hand. Who's hand goes the highest means they're the tallest."
"Ok. But no cheating. Like No tippy-toes."
"Ok." They raised their hands. Jordan was higher. Kaylee tippy-toed.
"Hey!! U cheated. That means the ultimate punishment."
"What?" He crep close to her as she stepped back. He hopped on her.
"Hey!!! Get off!!!"yelled kaylee
"Until I'm done tickling." He wiggled his hands.
"No!!!" He started to tickle her. From her stomach to neck.
"Its been like 6 minutes. Giving up already."
"I'm a very ticklish person."
"Noted. Wanna play some more."
"How about guess the disney movie?"
"I don't watch disney movies." She gasped dramactically and stepped back.
"You don't. Their awesome to watch!!!"
"I heard their girly and boring." He crossed his arms.
"But you never watch one. Let's watch The Lion King."
"They're lions in the movie!!!!!!" He loved lions. As well as monkeys
"Yep. And there's a monkey."
"Well what are we waiting for??? LETS WATCH THE MOVIE!!!"
They asked jordan's mom if they can watch it. She said yes and gave them snacks like kettle corn popcorn and juice. After the movie, Kaylee'parents came back to pick her up.

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