First Day

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Kaylee and Jordan's teacher was Ms. Rainbow. She was really nice. Both kids thought 1st grade would be easy. Welp. IT AINT SUCKERS!!!!!

Ms. Rainbow POV
I was explaining the rules and what we're going to be learning and doing on a daily basis when 2 kids yelled.

"WHAT DO U MEAN NO MORE NAP TIME!!!!????" said Jordan


"First, what are you names?" I squated to their level.

"Im Jordan and this is Kaylee."

"Well Jordan. Kaylee. That was in Pre-K. This is big girls and boys time."

"But we loved those times."

"Well. Im sorry. But this how it is. We still do color. But we have to do math with it."

"What's math?"said jordan
"We'll see soon."

I stood up from the floor and gave out some sheets on writing thier name and crayons. Everyone wrote thier name but i saw a student having trouble writing thier name. I started  walking over when Jordan saw and helped her. I smiled. I went to help some other kids.

After all the kids were done, we played a game where everyone says thier name, what they like, and age. By the time we finished, it was lunch time. We went down into the lunchroom.

Jordan POV
Me and Kaylee sat together. We were eating and joking around when i thought about me moving away soon.

"Honey!! Come for a second please."

I went downstairs and saw mommy with chocolate chip cookies in her hand. This means somethings wrong.

Whats wrong mommy?
We're moving away soon.
We're moving to Boston. It has more opportunities there
We'll be moving in 2 weeks.
Mommy. Please dont make me go.
Im sorry

End flashback~~~

"Hey fairy?"
"Lets run away tommorow."
"Lets runaway together."
"Im moving away soon."
"I dont want u to go"
"Unless we runaway."
"Ok. Where will we go?"
"Somewhere from home."

They continued eating till they had yo stop. They learned about math.

End of day~

Jordan and Kaylee were picked up my their parents. As soon as they got home, she went straight to her bed from and started packing her backpack.

She put her 2 favorite dresses, 6 shirts, 4 pants, 3 sneakers, a hoodie, a blanket, brush, 12 undergarments, a book, scrunchie, and toothbrush and paste.

She put that bag under her bed. She went straight to do her honework.

Jordan went straight past his mom and started packing.

He packs 3 hoodies, toothbrush and paste, Lil snacks, 6 shirts, 7 pants, 5 sneakers, 10 boxers, and pepper spray.

He ate and went into his room ti do bis honework. He waited till tomorrow.

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