From Bad To Worse

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        When I woke up, I found another letter from Ken waiting by the door. "Morning morning morning! I have some very good new for you!!!" "Can I leave?" I asked hopefully as I grabbed the next letter. No such luck. "I got you a new game with the last of my money!!!! This ones a real blast!! Have fun!!" Feeling guilty, I played the new game Piteous Moonlight once then left the device alone. "Don't worry about me spending all my money, I'm okay." "Are you? Really?" I questioned as I read the new letter. "Just stay happy for me! For the love of all that is holy stay happy! They're watching." I scanned the room carefully, looking for a camera but seeing nothing. "The world is so much quieter now." Jack's first letter began. "So many people are dead or dying. Once in a while I can see people choke to death outside my shop. Doctor Bob is selling some kind of antidote, but I don't trust him." "Neither do I, but he needs to be careful what he writes." I mumbled as a new letter came. "No way in hell am I leaving my shop. As much as being lonely sucks, I need to stay here." "Of course you do." I sighed in dissapointment, grabbing the new letter from Felix. "How are you doing? I finished the second table leg. Maybe you can eventually put a table top on it! I am starting to feel a little homesick, perhaps it is time to end my journey?" "Don't come back, you'll die!" I cried. I didn't know the guy, but I couldn't help but care. "There have been incidents of people getting upset about how hard the games for Doctor Bob's portable entertainment product are." The new letter from Ken read. "They're not that bad." I shrugged indifferently. "Please do remember." The next letter carried on. "It's not about those games. It's about happiness!" "Whatever you say." I scoffed as a new letter from Jack took landed in the spot where Ken's letter previously sat. "I found this poster in my garage. Thought you might like it. Although, it's not very cheerful. Hope you like it anyway." There was a black and white poster with a heart on it. "Dear blank-I hate that-Doctor Bob has taken time off his busy schedule to personally tell you that everything is fine." "That's a load of crap." I shot back. "Ninety-eight percent of the world is dead or dying!" "Did you get Doctor Bullshit's letter? It pisses me off that he ignores everyone suffering. The antidote that was supposed to help is being sold for a ton of money. He doesn't mean well." I chuckled slightly as I read Jack's letter. I loved his humor, although he did have a point. "Friend, the third leg of the table is finished! I have also started my long journey back to my home town. I would say I will probably arrive around tomorrow morning. Looking forward to seeing more familiar faces! Felix." "Wow, I'm so impressed." I placed the third table leg by the other two as I read Jack's letter. "The doctor has lowered the price of the antidote. The only problem with that is that more problems seem to come from the antidote than solutions. It causes vital organs to fail. I'm scared." I could feel my hands trembling with rage as I carefully put the letter down. I screamed as loudly as I could, pacing around furiously like a caged animal, wanting to punch something. I felt something squish under my foot. I jumped back and found a letter from Jack along with a package. "Most of my instruments are broken, so I got bored and made a cake. I'm not sure how long the virus/cure thing will last, and I'm not sure how long I can live being alone. I wish I could come visit you."  "Me too." I held the letter close to my heart, enjoying the chocolate scent that wafted into my nose. "I hope you're actually getting these letters. I'm guessing you can't respond. Do letters still get delivered? I hope so...are you even alive?" I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes. "Yes, please. Don't give up yet." I sniffed as I clutched the new letter close. "Friend, this one gave me problems, but your fourth table leg is all done now. The last part will be there shortly. Felix the master woodworker." I laughed softly as I blinked away the tears. "Felix will help, at least I hope so." I assured myself, swallowing as I put aside his letter and grabbed the one from Mr. Ken. "Are you okay? Apparently more and more inmates are killing themselves. Please don't do that for your sake and mine." I shivered as I picked up Felix's new letter. "My dear friend, my goodnight present to you will be the table top. Now you finally have something to put stuff on in your cell. I hope you actually have stuff to put on it." "Trust me, I do." I told the air as I dumped my remaining confetti poppers, entertainment product, and stack of Jack's letters on it. "Just for the heck of it." I grabbed a popper and fired confetti all over the room. Tim crawled up the first leg of the table and sat on top of it for a moment before disappearing from view again. I fell back onto the bed and fell asleep almost instantly, dreaming of a faceless man with neon green hair coming to save me.

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