Once Upon a Time

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Once upon a time in a land so very far away from here, there lived a beautiful girl named Emilie,
That was how it started,
That was how it always started,
These were the lies that helped Emilie sleep at night,
Tonight she would travel to the farthest reaches of the galaxy with the person who loved her more than life itself,
She would shine brighter than the evening star as she saved the day once again,
In her bedtime stories Emilie could escape the weight of everyday life,
The thought that she was letting everyone down,
The urge to cut deep slits into her skin,
The memories of all the times she had failed,
The should ofs and what ifs that plagued her mind,
Sometimes she didn't even make it past the first sentence before she dozed off, but that was just enough,
Just enough to get her to live another day.

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