Forever and Always

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Inspired by a letter read in the game That Dragon, Cancer.
As this long day comes to a close, I am tired, but not sleepy.
I have no tears left to cry,
But their aftermath still sits with me weeks after,
My eyes are red and bloodshot,
I have a dry throat and dry hands,
A pounding headache,
And a desire to write down absolutely everything,
I want to explore how I can be so deeply sad and extremely hopeful at the same time,
I want to explain to the world the feeling I had when holding her hand,
Walking down the path in the pouring rain,
Wanting to soak in the moment,
To memorize the feeling of having her hand in mine,
With the rain drops hanging like crystals in her hair,
And the reflection of the grey clouds in her beautiful eyes
To let it matter,
And then hating my thoughts when they swing to,
"Because what if I can't hold her hand like this one day"
And hating that thought,
Wishing I could appreciate each second of her,
In her state of pure beauty,
Without that appreciation slipping into stress and worries,
I know she doesn't feel this way about me,
But instead of fighting it,
I calm my conscience with lies and false hope,
Picking up the pieces of my already shattered heart,
Each time she tells me about her crushes,
Wishing she would talk about me that way,
Spouting lies when she asks who I like,
Because all I want to tell her is,
I love you and only you,
Forever and always.

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