Chapter 1

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I smiled from ear to ear as the cab driver pulled up to my best friends, Ariel, gorgeous two story house. I was spending the summer in Miami with her and two of my other best friends Tirye and Amari. We've been best friends since 6th grade and we were all about to head to different colleges. I was going to UCLA, Tirye was going to Michigan State, Amari was going to Oregon state, and Ariel was going to University of Miami. It was gonna be said with us being so far apart from each other but that's why we were spending the summer together. But since all of our families were in Mississippi we would see each other of breaks. I hopped out the cab handing the drive a ten dollar bill to turn around to be suffocated in hugs. " Guys I can't breath and we just seen each other 3 days ago. Not you Ariel and girl don't you look good." I exclaimed as I hugged her tighter than she hugged me. " I mean we are in the same outfit so I guess u look good." Man I missed he sarcastic self. " LOL let go I want to see the house  and get in packed."I turned around to grab my bags but they weren't there. I turned some more to see the boys with them about t to go in the house. Thx boys. MAN THIS SUMMER IS GONNA BE LIT!!"
I was in packing and jamming to music until Ariel came in. "Hey any chance you can speed this proses up we want to go out for the day as our first day together this summer." She said as she walked over to my neatly made bed. " yeas just one more box than I'll be ready hey how many times have I told u I love your house. Your parents really went all out. Well I mean they are practically rich. My parents only gave me two hund- " I was cut off by not one thing not two things but THREE things.One Ariel telling me to shut-up that I've already told her three times, two Tirye grabbing me by waist and spinning me then putting me down kissing my cheek (did I say he has a crush on me but I totally can only see him as a brother.) and three Amari dumping out my shoes and placing them neatly in my closet. " well looks like your done packing" She said running down the stairs grabbing her key as Amari ran after her and Tirye grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs. I hopped in the back seat with Tirye with Ariel and Amari in the front. She backed out her drive way and I turned on the radio turning it full blast as One Dance by Drake blasted. Man was this gonna be a long day but I was prepared to spend the long, lit, fun filled day with my best friends.
Hey guys it's Bry Ikr to new stories in one day I promise I'll try to update as soon as possible. But if you haven't already go check out my other story The Nanny. It's a Stephen Curry/Klay Thompson fanfic. Bye guys love ya.😍😘❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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