Chapter 5: Bellatrix's Revenge

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Ever since Mundungus told Harry, Ron, and Hermione about the locket in Umbridge's possession, the three of them had been planning to break into the Ministry. I wasn't allowed to go, of course because Harry was too worried about the baby. "I'm sorry you can't go, love. It's just...we can't risk loosing the baby, and you know that. I promise I'll come back for you, alright?" He said, just before he left. "We didn't lose the baby in the wedding, or when the Order transported us to the Burrow. So, why now?" I replied, slightly irritated. "Because it's not safe. I sent Dobby out to get you some healthy foods, so he should be back soon. But, until then, I want you to stay here, alright?"

I only nodded, before he gave me a kiss, and a sorry look. Then, he was gone. I sighed, and walked over to the couch, where I laid down, and stared at the ceiling. My hand moved back and forth over the small bump on my stomach. "You'd better watch out, baby. Your dad would do anything to keep you safe, so I suggest not doing anything stupid. Although, most of the time, he's a big softie, so you don't have to worry. For the next nine months or so, I'll be carrying you under my heart. That means you get to hear all the gossip about Voldemort, and you get a large portion of everything I eat. But, I guess that's okay. Most importantly, you'll be able to hear my heart beating just for you and your daddy. We love you so much, and we will always-" I stopped when I heard Dobby's voice.

"Mistress Riley, who are you talking to?" He asked. I sat up, and looked at him, smiling gently. "I'm talking to my baby, Dobby. Didn't Harry tell you?" The small Elf gasped, dropping his groceries on the floor, and clapped his hands. "Are you having Mr. Harry Potter's baby, Mistress?" I laughed a little at his excitement, and nodded. "Yes, I am. Now, let's get these groceries put away, alright?"

Before I could even get off the couch, Dobby had already scooped the grocery bags up, and hurried into the kitchen with them. "Harry Potter has asked Dobby to prepare something healthy for you, Mistress. Please sit, while he does so. Dobby wants to make sure Mistress and her baby are okay." He said, as I followed him. "Dobby, you don't have to cook for me. You've already done enough. Let me help you." I told him. "Harry Potter has given Dobby strict instructions. Dobby must make sure Mistress is resting, and that she is never hungry."

Sighing, I sat down at the table, and watched as he prepared a large meal for me. Just when I looked away from him, I heard something shatter. I shot up from my chair, and saw that Dobby had accidentally knocked down a teacup, causing it to break. "Dobby didn't mean to!" He cried, hurrying to pick up the broken shards of glass. "Dobby, it's okay. It was only an accident." I said, kneeling down to help him.

Suddenly, he turned, and began banging his head on the corner of the table. "Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!" He shouted. "Dobby, stop it!" I scolded him, pulling him away from the table. He groaned in pain, rubbing his forehead. "It's okay, Dobby. It was an accident. You don't have to punish yourself like that. Just like everyone else, you make mistakes too." He sighed, and nodded feebly. "When Dobby made a mistake at his old Master's home, he had to punish himself. Dobby is used to it by now." I stood up, carrying the broken teacup to the garbage. "Well, you're a free Elf now. A free Elf doesn't punish himself. Come on, now. Let's finish preparing the food."


To be honest, I didn't think I'd actually kind of enjoy being trapped in a dirt hole with Dobby. But, somehow, we managed to talk and laugh together. Dobby spoke very highly of Harry, and told me the story of how he had freed him by putting a sock in a diary, which Lucius Malfoy told him to carry. Dobby had apparently been in the Malfoy family for years, and was treated brutally. I don't know why someone would abuse such a sweet little creature like Dobby. But, it was the Malfoy family we were talking about, so I wasn't too surprised.

Anyway, the two of us sat by the fire, talking about our favorite cake recipes, when someone burst in from the kitchen. I jumped up, only to see Bellatrix standing there, with Fenrir Greyback, and Wormtail behind her. "Oh, well, look who it is! Little Riley Winters!" She shrieked, as I whipped out my wand. "Oh, what are you going to do? Torture me again?"

"Reducto!" I shouted. She quickly blocked my spell, and cackled loudly. "Boys, get her on the floor." Greyback and Wormtail both grinned menacingly, and walked towards me. "Stupefy!" I cried. This time, it was Greyback who blocked the spell, and quickly Disarmed me. Dobby ran up to him, looking ready to pounce on his face. But, he kicked him backwards with ease.

Then, the two men grabbed my arms and legs, pinning me to the floor. "Let go of me, you pigs!" I yelled, trying to squirm from their grip. "Dobby, go find Harry, and tell him we need help!" The House Elf nodded, and Disapparated. Bellatrix cackled, and withdrew a knife from her pocket. "I want you to know how it felt to be tortured. But, this time, I want it to feel worse! I heard you laugh when I cried, and now, I'm going to laugh while you bleed to death!"

"What about our deal, Bellatrix?" Greyback asked, slightly angry. "Oh, right. You can have her when I'm done with her." I let out a cry, as she pulled my shirt up, revealing my pregnant stomach. "Oh, what's this? Already having babies, are we? Well boys, looks like it'll be a double kill tonight! The Dark Lord will be so happy to hear we killed Potter's girlfriend, and their baby! Or, is it their baby? Slutting around with someone else, Winters?" The three of them howled with laughter, before something sharp poked me in the stomach. "No! Please don't! Not my baby, please!" I wailed, pushing my back into the floor. "STOP CRYING!" Bellatrix screamed, pushing her knife harder against my skin.

My flesh slowly began tearing, making me cry louder. Greyback dug his claws into my wrists, while Wormtail attempted to break my ankles. The knife dug it's way deeper into me. Soon, it'd find it's way to the baby, and kill it. All I could do was hope that Dobby would come back with Harry before that happened.

Just before Greyback could tear his teeth into my neck, and Wormtail could snap my ankles, I heard a loud crack. "SECTUMSEMPRA!" Harry's voice roared. Bellatrix was thrown into the wall, screaming in pain. But, the knife remained in my stomach. Dobby rushed over to me. "Mistress! You are hurt! Dobby is going to help!" He looked at the knife, and winced. "Dobby doesn't want to make it worse! Dobby only wants to help! How can Dobby help you, Mistress?" I looked at Harry, who appeared to be struggling to fight off the two men. "Help Harry," I said weakly. He nodded, and hurried over to where Wormtail was attempting to Stun Harry.

He leapt onto his shoulders, digging his fingers into his eyes. The two of them fell to the ground, wrestling violently. With only one person to fight, Harry managed to Disarm Greyback, and sent him crashing into a wall, where he hit his head, and was knocked unconscious. Dobby grabbed a vase, and smashed it over Wormtail's head, and left him laying on the floor.

Then, the two of them rushed to my side. "Riley, it's going to be okay, I'm here now. I'll keep you safe, just like I always do." Harry stuttered, close to tears. His eyes flickered to the knife, and his fingers slowly wrapped around the handle. "You'll be okay. You and the baby both will, alright?" Dobby took my hand in his small one, as Harry began pulling the knife upwards. I cried in pain, closing my eyes tightly. "I know, love, I know. It's almost, out, okay? We're almost there."

Finally, I heard the knife clatter on the floor. "Dobby, get us a washcloth. Hurry!" Harry commanded. Once the Elf had hurried into the kitchen, he pressed a hand over the bleeding wound on my stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. "It hurts, Harry! Make it stop!" I wailed. That was when Dobby came back, holding a wet cloth in his hand. Harry grabbed it from him, muttering a 'thanks' and pressed it over my wound. "Just breathe, love. I'll make it better, okay? Once this stops bleeding so much, we'll to to Ron and Hermione. Hermione has something that'll help."

"The baby-" I started. "Will be just fine. I'll take care of you, alright? Hang in there." He gently cleaned the blood off of me, leaving only a slightly bleeding puncture in the middle of my stomach. With that, he scooped me up, putting both of our wands in his pocket, and Disapparated.

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