Chapter 13: You Are My Sunshine

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It was a snowy afternoon at the Burrow. Bill and Fleur stuck around, and so did the twins. They all agreed that they wouldn't leave until I had the baby. I knew that by now, it was just a matter of time. Let's just say I was a nervous wreck. I really wished that Harry was with me, even though part of me was still a tiny bit upset with him.

Anyway, I was asleep on the bed in Charlie's old room, when I felt a sharp pain. I open my eyes, and hissed at the pain. It slowly began worsening, causing me to cry out. I knew it was happening. The baby was coming.

Mrs. Weasley must've heard me, because she quickly burst through the door. My water broke all over the sheets, causing me to panic. "Calm down, Riley, you're okay. Keep breathing, it's alright!" She cried, propping up my pillows, and sitting me up on them. "BOYS, FLEUR, COME HELP WITH THE BABY!" The four of them rushed in, gasping at the state of me. Then, I started the most painful process in my life.


A solid 18 hours later, I heard a squeaky cry. I sighed with relieve, leaning into the pillows behind me. The small cries became loud wails, making me lift my head, and look around. I felt lightheaded, and very tired. Mrs. Weasley appeared to be cleaning off a tiny figure, which waved it's tiny balled fists around. Then, she slipped a diaper on it, and wrapped it in a white blanket, before handing it to Bill. He approached me, smiling gently down at the baby. Then, he looked at me. "It's a girl." He said, softly.

A wide smile crept onto my face, as he placed her in my arms. I looked down my baby's beautiful face. Her nose wrinkled up as she cried, and she had a small tuft of brown hair on her head. For a moment, I was completely silent. All I did was stare down at my daughter, stroking the side of her face as she cried. "Can't name her Fred or George now, can you?" Fred asked me, grinning. I chuckled a little, nudging him with my foot. "No, Fred, I can't. Her name is Sophia. Sophia Lily Potter, for Harry. He'd like that name."

Then, Fleur walked in, holding a bottle. "Molly brewed this so you do not 'ave to breast feed eef you do not weesh to." She handed it to me, and I gently put it in Sophia's mouth. Her cries quickly ceased, as she began guzzling the bottle's contents. She occasionally hummed quietly, while letting out heavy, content sighs.

Before she could even finish her bottle, she nodded off. Mrs. Weasley sat down, wiping tears from her eyes. I was on the verge of tears myself. "Oh, I miss these times." She said quietly, with a sniffle. "Don't be upset, mum." George told her. "Yeah, you have us!" Fred agreed, giving her a cheeky smile. She playfully scoffed, but hugged them anyway.

I smiled, and looked back down at Sophia. She looked so content where she was, as she slept peacefully. I ran my finger along her cheek, and kissed her forehead. "Can we hold her next?" George asked me, eagerly. Fred nodded in agreement, making me chuckle at them. "Yes, you can hold her next. Sit down," They did so, and Fred outstretched his arms. Carefully, I handed the baby to him. He only stared down at her face, stroking it delicately. I heard her let out a tiny yawn, melting all of our hearts.

Next, George held her. Like his brother, he was very gentle, and couldn't keep the smile off his face. "She looks like you, Riley." He told me, studying Sophia's little face. "I was thinking the same thing." Bill agreed, peering over his shoulder. "She ees so beauteeful!" Fleur said, softly.

Finally, the baby was given back to me. I reached over to my bedside table, which had a stack of knitted clothing on it, and grabbed a pink had, with a bow, and a small jewel I had clipped to it. Then, I carefully slipped it onto Sophia's head, causing her to stir a bit in her sleep.

"We'll let you be alone with the baby, dear. Don't hesitate to give me a holler if you need anything. I'm just downstairs." Mrs. Weasley told me, giving me a warm smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. I appreciate everything you've done for me." I replied. After that, everyone filed out, leaving Sophia and I alone. I let out a yawn, before placing my daughter beside me, and curling up beside her. She yawned once again, making me grin a little, and kiss her tiny nose. Then, for some reason, I decided to sing to her.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when sky's are grey. You never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." When I finished the song, I could've sworn I saw a tiny smile form on Sophia's face. After that, I fell asleep.

Just in case you wanted to know what Sophia looks like, here she is!

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Just in case you wanted to know what Sophia looks like, here she is!

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