Chapter 1- Welcome Home and Happy Birthday

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Its been exactly 8 months since One Direction left for touring. Its 12 in the afternoon on a cold December day, or you could call it my birthday. I don't have anyone here. They all are at school or on vacation. Its so lonely without the boys here. When will they come back? I don't know. They never told me. I've only got to video chat Harry like once ever month or so for like 10 minutes. It just wasn't enough.

All that's left to do, is wait till they come back.


Its been 8 months since I've seen my girlfriend, Lily, in person. I'm so excited to see her. Today is her birthday so its gonna be a great surprise! She's turning 15!  

"Lou, how much longer til were back at Lily's?"

"Only about 20 minuets." He looks up from his phone. "Does she know that were coming home today?"

"No she doesn't. And remember today is her birthday so she's gonna be really surprised." A smile appears on my face. "I can't wait to see her."

"We all can't wait to see her" Liam says cuddling with his new girlfriend. 

"I can't wait to meet her!" Liam's girlfriend says stealing Liam's phone to mess with his stuff. 

We finally arrive at Lily's. I remember she gave me a key to her house, and I still have it. 

With out her knowing we sneak into the house.


I'm sitting on the couch, watching tv, in some skinny jeans and my favorite One Direction hoodie. 

Suddenly, I hear the door open and the perfect harmonization of 5 boys singing Happy Birthday, and I immediately know who it is.

I turn around and Notice them. One Direction. They're back!

I run off the couch and jump into Harry's arms. "Harry! You're back! I missed you!" He holds me tight.

"I missed you too,Lily." I pull away from the hug and all the boys stare at my shirt then Niall says: "Well, someone sure did miss us!" He laughs and hives me a hug. 

"What!? It my favorite hoodie!" I blush. "And yes, I did miss you guys." I slightly giggle.

"We missed you to, Lily." Zayn says giving me a hug. 

I get a hug and kiss from all of them, including Jannice.

"Lily, this is my girlfriend Ma-" I cut Liam off already knowing who she is.

"Madison!? Is that really you!?" 

Madison was a friend I've known for a long time. Even though shes 2 years older than me we've been close. She moved away like 3 years ago and I haven't seen her since.

"Lily! Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in 3 years!" We give each other a huge hug.

"Oh sorry Liam! I already know Madison, we've been friends for a long time." I look at both of them. "Are you two.." 

Madison laughs and answers: "Yes, lily, were dating"

"Ohh!That's so awesome! I"m so happy for you guy's!" I jump up and down with joy.

Everyone gathers in a circle around me and Harry stands in front of me.

"Whats going on?"

"Here" Harry hands me a wrapped box. 

"What is this?"  I look at the box slightly shaking it.

"Your birthday present, from all of us." Everyone smiles at me.

"Oh, guys, you didn't have to get me anything. You guys coming home on my birthday is enough for me"

"Just open it, Babe." He smiles and pushes the box towards me.

I open the box to find that they all got me a charm bracelet that has charms of special memories on it.

"Oh my gosh guys, its beautiful." I hug Harry. "Thank you so much"

"You're welcome, beautiful."

"Well, I'll get lunch started!" Liam says heading to the kitchen. "Its spaghetti time!"

While Liam cooks lunch, Jannice, Madison, the other boys, and I sit in the living with me in Harry's lap and Madison and Jannice beside us, we all catch up on things.

The boys tell me about the concerts, and I tell them how school went.

After we eat lunch, we play some games together, like Monopoly, and Scrabble.

After that, Harry takes me out. Just me and him. He takes me to my favorite clothes store, and he buys me a new outfit.

We come back home,I change into my pajama's, and all 8 of us sit around the fire eating cake and smores and what not.

Me cuddling with Harry, Madison with Liam, and Jannice with Niall.

"Thank you for such a good birthday guys. I'm glad to have you home." I give them all a big smile.

"You're welcome, Babe" Harry gives me a kiss.

"Were glad to be back" Liam says hugging his girlfriend and the others nod in agreement.

"Well, its getting late so I'm gonna head off to bed" I hop off of Harry's lap. "You gonna come Harry?"

"Yeah, I'll be up in a minute."

I say good night to everyone, give everyone a hug and a kiss and head on up to bed.

Harry comes into bed right after me. "Thanks again for a great day, Babe" I lay my head on his shoulders and trace over his tattoos.

"I"m glad I made you happy. You're Welcome" He kisses the top of my head

"Good night, Harry."

"Good Night, Lily"


I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! Thanks for reading!

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