Chapter (2):New WWE DIVAS Champion

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Adrianna POV

As you all know tonight is Monday Night Raw and it is the first time ever I am excited for the show because tonight I am making my debut and I have got an opportunity against Nikki Bella for the WWE Divas Championship as I said before ,When I was walking to the catering after changing and adding my make-up I was texting my Best Friend Amy ,she is my best friend since I was at FCW and then we moved to NXT together but now I moved to the main roster without her,my thoughts were interrupted when
I bumped into someone and I making me lose my balance I was getting ready to fall on my butt but it never happened, instead two large arms wrapped around my waist and caught me ,I looked at his hands and then recognized the tattoo and I wondered that he was Roman Reigns, in this moment we had an eye contact and it really felt good to look in his eyes and him touching me

"I'm so sorry ,Are you okay?" He said and I'm still in his arms

"Yes, I'm - I'm al-alright" I responded while I was lost into his eyes and didn't even wonder that he was still holding me

"Are you Adrianna the sweet girl that was in the airport !?" He asked with a smile , I couldn't help but to blush deeply and he let me go but not breaking the eye contact

"yup, its me I mean who can forget me once he or she know me" I responded trying to look confident as he chuckle and it was the cutest thing that I heard

"Alright good luck in your match tonight" he responded with a smile

"Thank you but luck is for losers" I said smirk on my face

"Alright see you later"he said

"See ya" I said walking away as he did the same

Oh My Gosh I was talking to Roman Reigns once again and he said that I'm sweet, finally I reached the catering I felt my phone ringing and it was Amy I answered the phone happily

"Hey girl How are you I missed you so much"I said

"Yeah I, missed you ,too ,anyways look behind you " Amy said

"What-" I said but she interrupted me and hung up so I looked behind me to find her eating a cupcake

"I told you to look behind you"Amy said with a laugh

"What bring you here?, you said you were busy so you can't come why did you lie to me?!?" I said while hugging her

"Well I came here for three reasons first to surprise you,second to annoy you here,and third to support you in your big night" She said with a smile and pulled me into another hug and I hugged back

"Thank you for coming" l said to her

"You're welcome I mean you're my BFF ,anyways why were you lost in your thoughts and didn't even wonder me getting inside here ,you seem like your in love"

"There is nothing Amy I was just thinking" I said to her

"Stop lying Adriana I know when you're lying anyways what is his name ? Is he handsome ? "

"Roman Reigns " I said to her

"OH MY GOSH ADRIANNA LOVES RO-" she yelled and I covered her mouth before she say his name

"What are you doing,you can't say that out loud " I told her in an angry tone

"Well what makes you think about him now" she asked me

"Well when I was on my way to my locker room I bumped into someone and he was Roman Reigns and he caught me before I fall then we had an eye contact and short conversation and I think I am having feelings for him " I said to her

"Why don't you tell him about your feelings maybe you will finally have a boyfriend" Amy suggested

"I am just afraid that he doesn't feel the same way " I said with a confuse voice

"Just give it a try maybe he could be the suitable person" Amy said

"Okay I'll try to talk to him after the show" I said as she nodded with smiles across her faces , I just hope it goes well

Roman POV
As I reached the shield locker room all I was thinking about was Adriana she was so perfect I felt that I have feelings for her but I'm afraid that she doesn't feel the same or break my heart like my ex my thoughts were interrupted by Dean

"Hellooo,from Earth to Roman"he said as Seth chuckle

"What's going on with you Roman"Seth asked me

"Nothing just thinking" I said

"About what"Dean Asked

"Dean the question is Who not What" Seth said to Dean

"Well , I'm thinking about someone" I said

"Who is she !???"they both said in the same time

"She is Adrianna" I said

"This girl that was at the airport" Dean said

"Yeah" I said and felt cheeks heat me

"So ,Are you going to get into a relationship and you just broke up from one" Seth said looking at me

"Shut up Seth ,it's time to move on Roman ,your break up was since 5months " Dean said

"You're right Dean maybe after the show I can ask her out or something" I said standing up

"Hey where are you going"Seth asked

"To Change" I said walking to the bath room

I can't wait to ask her out

Adriana POV
Finally it's the time for my match and now I am standing beside the gorilla waiting for my entrance The Bellas were there too they came to me

"You know that you won't EVER take this title for me" Nikki said

"We'll see may the best wins" I said as I heard my music BBHMM by Rihanna I got out and the crowd cheered then I walked to the ring then The Bellas came out and Nikki with the championship
I am very confident that I am going to walk out as a champion tonight
She get in the and the ref rang the bell

I started attacking her with punches until I knocked her down while she was trying to stand up I was planing to super kick her but when I was going for it she managed to avoid it and then she started attacking me with punches and kicks until I was down then the she used her finisher on me"'the rack attack" she pinned me but I managed to kick out in the count 2 she started to tell the ref that it was 3 which gave me some time to gather my strength I stood up and super kicked her she fell on the mat I pinned her but she kicked out in 2 I stood up and waited for her to stand up once she stood up I caught her and gave her a "powerboom" I pinned her




"Here is your winner and the new WWE DIVAS Champion Adrianna"
Oh My Gosh it really feels good to be a champion.

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