Chapter 15

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Song "more of you" by mozella (the song that was playing when ezria had their first kiss in the bathroom)

*next day*
Ian's pov

I wake up, lucy and the twins are still sleeping. I go to the living room and watxh tv quitely until I hear harper screaming and its not just a normal cry. I run in to the nursury and get her out of her crib. She feels warm so I get the baby thermometer 102.2. I go wake lucy and tell her about harper's temperature. She made an appointment for 12:45 it is 10:00 now. Lucy went to take a shower while I fed Harper. A few minutes later Houston woke up so I buckled Harper into her bouncer and went to get Houston. I checked his temperature to make sure he wasnt sick too, he was ok. I fed him and soon Lucy got out of the shower. She got the twins dressed while i went to get ready. By the time we were all dressed and ready it was 12:30 and it takes 5 minutes to get to the babys' doctor. We arived at about 12:40, beacause of traffic, and signed harper in. A few minutes later. The doctor called "Harper Harding" and we walked back. Turns out harper has a cold and an ear infection, so the doctor gave her some baby antibiotics. Marlene gave us the day off beacause she knew that harper was sick and Lucy's mom is going to watch harper until she gets better instead of us taking her to work because we dont want to risk getting anyone sick. Houston also got a check up and he is fine but the doctor put hom on antibiotics too just to make sure he doesnt catch Harper's sickness.

Hiya everyone. Im sorry for not updating in a while school just started back and it has been crazy. During the summer I forgot about thos app😂 oopiesss!!! Comment, like and follow me!!! Thank you. And also thank you taylorjosephdun for the sick baby idea❤❤
Love ya. ❤Mallie

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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