Elemental Trivia

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Nightshade focused on his breathing and tried to slow it down, but the fear was gripping him like a vise.

"We can't help you!" D.R. said. "This is a fear you've got to overcome on your own."

Nightshade concentrated and thought of something... happy. And then, finally, his breathing slowed. His vision cleared and the spider was gone.

"Never speak of this to anyone. Ever." Nightshade snarled at the rest of them.


Vipress was thoroughly amused. She was floating along, smirking.

"What. The. Hell. Are you smirking at?!?" Nightshade said in anger.

"You. Scared of spiders." She said.

"And I'm sure the all powerful Vipress is afraid of nothing." He said sarcastically.

"Not really." She said.

"We'll see." Nightshade said, smiling slightly.

They again reached the door where the riddle was once written. In its place were now carvings of each Elemental symbol. The symbol for Darkness and Rainbows were now lit in red.

"Welcome." A voice announced. "You will now be asked a series of questions in order to gain access to the door. Anyone can answer the question except the one whom the question speaks of. Are you ready to begin?"

"Uh...yeah?" Ignus answered tentatively.

"Very well." The voice replied. "Question number one: what are Vipress' two middle names?"

"Two?!?" Claws outraged. "You couldn't just have one, like a normal person?!"

Vipress shrugged.

"Wait, sis. I think I know this." EL said. "Emma and Marc...Marceline, right?"

"Correct." The voice answered. "Question number two: what is Andrew's favorite beverage?"

"Andrew?!" Prince exclaimed. "Who the hell is Andrew?!"

"Our creator." Vipress said, breaking the fourth wall. "Hi Andy! His favorite beverage is Coke! I think I saw him drinking one once!"

"Correct. Question number three: what will Claws never forgive Nightshade for?"

"Uh, stealing his Twinkie!" Prince shouted.

"Dude, it was just that one time!" Nightshade complained.

"Correct. Question number four: what is Nightshade's biggest secret?"

"Uh, let's-let's just skip this one!" Nightshade said hurriedly pressing the skip button.

"You have used your one skip." The computer responded. "Question number five: Who is the most powerful of all the Elementals.

"Big G!" Nightshade spat. "He gets his powers from Jesus Christ himself, for crying out loud!"

"HEY!!!!!" Ignus yelled. "I'm the most POWERFUL!!"

A different voice echoed from around the ice cave.

"Yeaaaah, dude, I kind of toned down your powers a bit..."

"WHAT?!?" Ignus raged. "I'll KILL YOU!!"

"You can't kill me. I AM YOU."

"Okay, what the hell is happening?"

The computer tried to regain control of the stage.

"Correct. Question number six: what did Vipress change her password to while most of you were sleeping?"

"Oh crap." Vipress said. "Crap crap crap."

"Remember:" The computer continued. "The password must be repeated exactly as said, so the rule preventing the subject from answering is now revoked."

"Uh, Ig, remember what we said?" Vipress asked.

"WE?!?" Nightshade raged. "You're sharing passwords now?!"

"Um, we were kind of... drunk?" Vipress said hopefully.

"Really drunk." Ignus amended.

"Time remaining: 2:00 minutes."

"Crap!" Dilithium said. "We're timed now?"

"Uh, ok, ok." Ignus started. "My girl Vype is the sexiest snake-vampire whore in the whole galaxy! I love her so damn much that I'd go and kick Hades in the balls to save her soul from hell!"

Vipress was blushing like crazy. "An-And my man Ignus is the hottest freaking son of a whore that I've ever met! I love him so freaking much that we had crazy drunk sex tonight!"

And then they said together: "SCREW YOU ALL!"

"Correct. You may now enter."

Now it was Nightshade's turn to smirk.

"What are you laughing at?" Vipress snarled. "God, I hate that guy."


Ignus had never been so embarrased in his entire freaking life! Sure, that night was amazing...but he never thought it would be public!!

Claws was looking at them both with eyes wide.

"That was- disturbing, to say the least."

"Never mention that ever again." Vipress muttered.

They walked together through the door, where new terrors could only await them.

"So, we have to face all of our fears?" Prince said.

"Yeah," Vipress replied. "Won't that be fun."

"I thought you said you weren't afraid of anything." Nightshade said, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not." She said, sticking out her tongue.

"What are you afraid of, Ignus?" Death Rider questioned.

"Uh..." Ignus muttered.

Suddenly, Vipress was wearing a bra, and her tight, tight spandex.

"What am I WEARING?!" She demanded.

"NO!!!" Ignus exclaimed. "MEMORIES!!"

"Dude, you're afraid of Vipress wearing spandex?" Death Rider said, trying to contain his laughter.

"Ignus, hurry up and face me." Vipress said, now irritated. "The cure for being cold is not to strip MORE!"

"D.R., what do I have to do to beat it?" Ignus said quickly.

"Uh...probably kiss her." D.R. shrugged.

"Oh...damn." Ignus said.

"Well, let's get this over with." Vipress said, smirking.

Ignus went over and kissed her, but she didn't change.

"Oh COME ON!" Vipress shouted at the ceiling. "Isis, we're both girls here. Can you please give me something so I'm not freezing my tail off down here?!"

The next instant she was wearing a pull-over black v-neck sweater and over-the-knee striped gray socks.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" Vipress said at the same time as Ignus.

"All right, let's move on." D.R. said.

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