How It All Starts...

470 20 18

Lucy's POV

I got up,  I heard birds chirping and sun shining through my window. THen there was a small moment of bliss, but it all ended when I remembered the what has happened the past 4 months. It all started when Lisanna came back from the "dead"...


I was sitting at the bar drinking my strawberry milkshake and talking to Mira. The guild was being it's normal rowdy self; Natsu and Gray fighting, Erza was eating her cake, Cana drinking some booze, Elfman shouting things about being a man, Happy giving Carla his fish, and so on and so forth. Then the guild doors burst open to reveal a cloaked person. Everyone turned their heads and stopped what they were doing. The cloaked person removed his/her cloak and said "I'm home Minna!" The guild all yelled "Lisanna!" and they ran up to her and gave her a big group hug. 'Lisanna isn't that Mira and Elfman's little sister who died?' I thought. The guild had a party that day it lasted ALL day, but I didn't go because I felt like I wasn't welcomed there because I didn't even know her. 

So the next day I came into the guild and said hi to everyone, but only a couple people said hello back, Levy, Gejeel, Wendy, the exceeds, Juvia, Mira the Raijinshu, and Laxus. I went up to the bar and asked Mira for a strawberry milkshake she went to go make one for me, when she came back I went to the mission's board and asked Natsu if he wanted to go with me on the mission, but he said "Sorry Lucy, but I'm going on a mission with Lisanna." "O-oh, okay" I smiled, but I was kinda hurt that he didn't call me Luce and that he said he was going on a mission with Lisanna.

Flashback End

That's what it's been like for the past 4 months, but today it might be better, I mean liek today is my birthday today, so I dressed up in a short mint blue dress and some mint blue flats. I walked to the guild, but nobody answered me except my true friends, Levy, Gajeel, Wendy,Juvia, the exceeds, Mira, Laxus and the Riajinshu. They all said happy birthday to me and gave me a present it was some new keys! the was the phoenix, the lightning god, the water god, and the nature god! (A/N I have no idea if there's such things, but just go with it) I said thank you. Then team Natsu came up to me. 'Did they remember that today's my birthday!?' Natsu cam up to me and said "Hey Lucy, we're kicking you out of the team" I was shocked I just stood there frozen, and by now, we had the whole guild's attention. I said "Can I know why Natsu."

Natsu: Your weak

Erza: We always have to save you

Gray: You just hide behind your spirits

Lisanna: Your just a slut, a whore, and a bitch. Oh yeah and by the way I'm replacing you.

Lucy:... If that's what your think, then, here let me say something, Your can't kick me out of your f*cking team because I quit team bitches, or actually, better yet I quit the guild!

Everyone was just staring at me. I walked up the stairs and knocked three times on Master's door then I heard a faint "Come in."

Lucy: Master I want to quit the guild.

I could tell he was taken back by what I had said.

Master: Okay child, but remember you will always be welcome here.

Lucy: Well, to be honest master, I don't think I will, maybe by you, but not by the other. Since Lisanna came back I've been ignored and forgotten by the guild except my true friends.

Master was stunned. He did not think that his children could do this, but before he could say anything, all my true friends came in. 

Lucy's True Friends: If Lucy goes, then, we'll go too.

At this point Master was too stunned.

------10 minutes later-------

Master: Okay, I will accept your decision, but will you ever come back?

By now he was crying, his office almost flooded. 

Lucy: Maybe, but I'll only visit.

Master erased out guild mark and we left the guild.

Laxus: Soooooooooo, what are we supposed to do now?


Lucy: Oh I know! We'll...

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Well, that was interesting...well, anyways, what do you think Lucy's idea is? Oh yea and who should Lucy end up with; Laxus, Jellel, Sting, Rouge, Zeref, OC, or someone else besides Natsu because to be honest, I don't ship NaLu and Natsu just doesn't deserve her after what he's doe/is going to do in the story...forget what I just said pls... So anyways, on another note, pls share, like and comment, also if you comment, don't be a f*uckin' b*tch and write hater comments, because this is my first fan-fic, so well, don't be f*uckin' b*tchs is all I can say. :) Well, hope you read the next chapter! :) btw, this story will have slow updates so, yeah...

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