Making our own guild!

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"We shall make a new guild!!!!"
"Nani!" they yelled
"It's fine if you don't want to come, I totally get it." As I looked at my feet.
"What, no we were just surprised thats all"
I gasped "really, you'll really come with me to make a guild!"
"Of course we will!"

I'm so happy right now!
The dragon slayers winced.
"He he, sorry" 😅
"It's fine"
"Anyways, were are we supposed to build our guild?" Mira said
"Well, I was thinking that we could go back to the Heartfillia estate. It's still technically, owned by the Heartfillias and so I thought that we could use it to train and maybe get stronger... 😬"
"Well, I guess, I mean it won't hurt, right?"
"Yeah, but before we make our guild, I want to get stronger and train, so let's make the guild in about 3 years, so then we'll all be stronger"
"Well, guys, lets go our separate ways for now, come back to this very place in 3 years. Kay!" 😊
"Hai Lucy"
"Lucy-San, can I come with you?"
"Sure Wendy! Now let's go! Onwards to our new adventure!"
Time skip brought to you by kitty-moon cause she encouraged me to finally update this
*3 years later*
Mira's POV
I looked out the window of the train and sighed(okay, so imma have all the characters a bit ooc, I'll try to have them as original as possible, but, can't promise you guys anything). It's already been 3 years since we left the guild and parted ways to go train. Now we're going to meet back up again for the first time since we had our new powers. Ive learned all of the demon takeovers and I've mastered angel takeovers too(let's just pretend this is a thing).
I wonder what powers the others have, and I can't wait until I see ***** (I will go back and edit this because that spot is for whoever Mira's gonna be with, so for now, put whatever name you want it to be). I haven't seen him in ages! I really miss him, I think I might have a crush on him, but I don't think he likes me back.
Anyways, away from the negative thoughts, I'd get to see my friends again after a long time!
Time skip brought to you by...I dunno, something 🤷‍♀️
I'm at the place we agreed to meet up and so far I don't see anyone.
Oh! Wait, I think I see someone! Is that Gajeel...and Levy! Omg! He's princess carrying her!(I'm a hardcore GaLe fan, but if it ends up to be a LevyxOc or a Gajeelxoc, I'll edit this part out) I'm fangirling so hard right now!

"Hey! Levy! Gajeel! Over here!"
"Hey Mira! How you doing? I haven't seen you in forever!"
"Sup Mira."
"I've been doing great, although, I've learned a new magic. I'll tell you after they all get here. Though, I have to say, the new magic is pretty awesome. Did you guys learn a new magic?"
"Yeah! We did, but like you, I'm gonna wait till they all get here. What about you Gajeel?"
"Gihi, I'm gonna wait till they all get here so I can fight them with my new magic."
Time skip brought to you be Lucy's awesome new magic
*After everyone's here except Lucy and Wendy, BTW the exceeds trained with each other, not with their dragon slayers."
"Hmph. Wendy and Lu-chan's not here yet. That's surprising, Lu-chan's usually on time." Levy said.
"Yeah, do you think that they're lost or something?"
"No way, on jobs, Lucy was always the navigator in the group, so she's not lost." Happy said
"Well, lets just wait here then until they get here, after all, they still have half a day(it's like at 12) to get here." I said.

"Heeey! Minna!"
We turned to look at the direction the voice came from. We saw a girl with long white hair and sky blue eyes. Besides her is a girl with mid length white hair too and striking purple-violet eyes.
They somehow looked familiar. I looked harder and then shouted "Lucy! Wendy!"
They smiled at me and said

Haha! I'll leave it at a cliffy, although it's obvious who it is. It literally says who they are.
Anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter, oh and again it dedicate this chapter to kitty-moon cause she encouraged me to finish this chapter, but I also want to dedicate this chapter to all of you guys too. Thank you for still reading this story, it means a lot even though I haven't updated in like...forever, so thank you for still reading this story 😊
Pleas vote, comment, share and all that stuff. Yeah I think that's it. Oh wait, and comment on who the ships should be. Thanks ~bye~

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