Far Apart

525 11 3

Tav's Pov~
Always waking up early to get ready for his day,  Tavros struggles with getting his shirt on and getting in the wheel chair took up most of his morning, the rest spent on thinking, and other day dreaming nonsense. He wished he could fly.

Gamzee's Pov ~
11:53 Gamzee wakes up, this is normal for him. The day's never seem to go fast enough, alone forever is worst then death. The deeply depressed Gamzee slugs his way over to the fridge to get his slime on, and maybe a miraculous faygo. The clumsy clown can take the silence anymore he pesters karkat but he seems to be busy; most likely watching his romantic movies he so likes.

Tav's Pov~
His mind began to drift back to last night, remembering all of the sadness he herd threw the walls. All he could think about was Gamzee, his mind was completely flooded. He wants to desperately talk to him, but Tavros could never do it on his own. Every once in a while he would see him, his tall thin frame, fuzzy ball of unbrushed hair, and most of all his amazing laugh. It has been a while though, sense he has been able to see this from the now depressed troll. The thought of no more laughs from the misunderstood Gamzee made Tav sad.

Gamzee's Pov~
He spent most his time in darkness, gloating in his sorrows from his past and his uncertain future. Awhile ago he could just relay on the slime to get him by, and help keep himself distracted. Only now it doesn't work anymore. His thoughts are all clouded, nothing is clear anymore...not like it ever was.

GamTav Just In Case You StayWhere stories live. Discover now