Chapter 7

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At 5 o'clock on the dot Hoseok knocked on Hyungwon's door. The door flung open to reveal a very serious looking Hyungwon. Hyungwon stepped out pulling the black sweater over his fingers and playing with it. He didn't look Hoseok in the face, as he was trying to be mad at the older.

"You look...really...cute." Hoseok muttered. He reached for Hyungwon's hand and held it, squeezing it gently. The younger blushed and followed Hoseok to his car. Hyungwon knew that as soon as they were both seated in the far he wouldn't be able to be mad at him anymore. How could he? The other looked so anxious and worried. When Hoseok opened the door and helped him into the car he felt his heart flutter. His heart stopped when Hoseok leaned into the car and buckled his seatbelt, leaving a soft kiss on his nose. Hyungwon's face turned an even darker shade of red and Hoseok couldn't help but smile at the stuttering male.

Hoseok quickly ran to the other side of the car and got in, buckling his seat belt. He started the engine and drove off, to where Hyungwon was unsure.

After about an hour of driving, the two boys got out of the car.

"Close your eyes." Hoseok mumbled, holding Hyungwon's hands. Hyungwon shot him a weird look but did as told. Hoseok led him carefully and told him when to stop. He felt Hoseok stand at his side, still gripping his hand tightly. Upon instruction, Hyungwon opened his eyes. He couldn't help, but to lose his breath at the sight laid out before him. The light of Seoul illuminated the night sky in a beautiful almost starry way, leaving Hyungwon feeling dazed. The ground around him was littered with scattered rose petals, that moved gently in the slight breeze. Fairy lights hung from the oak trees, surrounding the hill and a set of chairs were sat around a fire pit. Hoseok pulled a lighter from his pocket and started the fire while Hyungwon took in his surroundings.

Once finished, taking in the sight Hyungwon joined Hoseok in a chair by the fire. Hoseok smiled at him and took his hand.

"Hyungwon...I'm sorry. I really am. You seemed like you hated me and liked Wonho, I was worried if I told you I was both then you would hate me even more." Hoseok muttered. Hyungwon squeezed his hand and smiled widely, his eyes crinkling.

"I didn't hate either, actually. I guess I got mad because I felt as though you had been leading me on, lying to my face, betraying my trust for you," Hyungwon stopped after realizing that his words were only making Hoseok feel worse, "my point is, I'm glad your both and not someone else. Even if I didn't have feelings for 'Wonho' that was mostly because I'd never met him, not realizing he-you'd been right under my nose the whole time. I'm not mad anymore, I tried to be mad, I really did. But after seeing you all worried I couldn't do it anymore. Look Hoseok, I really really like you. I dont think I would've come if I didnt-" Hoseok had by now tuned out and was only watching Hyungwon's lips move. Hyungwon noticed this and abruptly stopped talking, his face turning the color of a cherry. Hoseok leaned over and captured Hyungwon's lips in a warm embrace. Hyungwon felt his body tingle from the ends of his hair to the tips of his toes. Hoseok's body felt as if Hyungwon had lit him on fire, his body burned with a fiery passion. Hyungwon pulled away and hummed in satisfaction, he looked down and his eyes widened. He tapped Hoseok repeatedly, trying to bring the boy out of his daze.

"H-Hoseok! Your shoe is on fire!"

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