The Literal Escape

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Shimmy the Sheep, brother of Timmy the Sheep, son of Thimmy the essential hoof oil sheep, was metaphorically, but mostly literally trapped.

He was inside a four by four shed, with red wooled sheep outside.

He couldn't die, lest his kind died with him.

Shimmy the Sheep wasn't an ordinary sheep, he was a Woolheken. A breed of quick thinking detective sheep, that fell into a sub category of McGyver animals.

He knew the only way to escape was to use his McGyveryness.

He took quick inventory of his surroundings, finding the following;

A forty pack of grande hard shell tacos,
A mini statuette of Abralamb Sheepkin,
A normal pair of suspicious flip flops,
A book on the biography of the author of the novelization of the movie titanic during his college summers,
And an industrial size crate of stainless steel sporks.

Closely inspecting each item for the best potential weapon, he discovered that the normal suspicious flip flops weren't actually suspicious flip flops.

They were actually a shotgun cleverly disguised as a suspicious potted plant!

But it wouldn't do any good without shotgun shells.

He looked around, making sure he didn't miss anything that could work as ammo.

Suddenly he saw it. He may not have shotgun shells, but he did have taco shells.

He just needed to load them.

He put some sporks in front for buckshot, but still needed gunpowder, or some other explosive...

He thought back to his improvised chemistry class, remembering the lesson on combustibles.

He glanced at the absurdly long title of the book. That's it.

He took the mini statuette of Abralamb Sheepkin, and ground up the book into a fine powder.

Putting it in the back of the tacos, he loaded the shotgun.

Looks like someone was about to face the wrath of an explosive Mexican taco, and it wasn't him.

Just then he heard a banging on the door. A voice came from outside.

"Are you done yet? We need to get this over with, I'm going to be late for my art gallery opening."

Shimmy smirked to himself. "Let's get this over with."

He turned around, faceing the wall to the left of the door. Then turned towards the door so he was facing the correct way.

Sheep was about to go down. Down hard.

>(Put some random items in the comments and I might use them in the next part.)

The Last Of The Woolhekens Pt IVWhere stories live. Discover now