Chapter Fourteen

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     I readied my blade, awaiting the upcoming fight, and so did Scott and Newt. They looked ready to fight, but not to kill. These were still both Ryan and Stiles, so we couldn't go for the kill.
     "Kill them." Gabriel ordered, and in no time at all they were attack us. Stiles attacked Scott, and Ryan went for Newt. I was left with facing Gabriel, even though I seriously didn't want to, but that fucker touched Katie sexually, so y'know he needs to die now.
     "You're going down!" I yelled, charging at him, and swung, but the angel disappeared from sight, and appeared at a doorway leading somewhere.
     "Catch me if you can!" He laughed and ran off.
     I gritted my teeth, and then leaped up, cutting all three girls off of their chains. They had little clothing thanks to that angel, and Div was unconscious. "Son of a bitch!" I snarled, running after Gabriel, leaving the others. "Come back here!"
     I ran down the hallway, following the echoing footsteps until I made it to the back of the Parthenon, who was bigger than the front, like an arena.
     "Alexa." Gabriel called, and the archangel appeared in front of him, still as insane as ever. "Deal with him, por favor."
     "As you wish." Alexa charged at me, her rapier drawn and thrust it, cutting my cheek as I blocked it.
     This girl is different from the others that we fought. Casey said in my head, but I ignored her.
     Block, swing, dodge, roll, bash, repeat. Those were what I did as we fought, but there was no way I could defeat her let alone get into her head. I knew her mind was racing with insane thoughts and normal ones, but those were slim, and fading, as if being deleted from her brain itself.
     The fight continued, my eyes going into tunnel vision as I tried to disarm her, but every attempt failed and got me injured even more. "Alexa!" I shouted, completely forgetting about the lost cause bit. "Snap out of-" She ignored me and stomp kicked into my gut, knocking the wind out of me. I slammed onto the white marble, my scythe sliding away from me. Just perfect.
     Gabriel laughed with delight as Alexa grabbed me by the shirt, and threw me into a column, destroying it. "Time to die, over and over and over!" Alexa smiled widely, out of her mind.
     "Stop!" I coughed, but she kicked me into the wall, cracking it. Pain shot through my body, and my head pulsed with every heartbeat, making my vision go blurry.
     "Can't!" She giggled. "Won't stop until you're dead!"
     "Fu-" I got punched in the jaw, then thrown again, skidding across the marble until I slammed into the other wall, cracking that one too. "God dammit. . ." I got up, and my scythe appeared in my hands. "You're next, Gabriel, so don't try to run like a pussy again."
     He glared, but I didn't care. Alexa thrust, and I blocked it, kicking her away whilst knocking her weapon away from her.
     Alexa laughed nevertheless and tackled me to the floor, and began hitting me hard.
     I felt blood fall down my face, the warm liquid hitting the floor, the light ping silencing everything else.
     Everything went slow motion as Alexa laughed, on top of me and killing me. That's when I moved in, knocking her off of me, and rolling away, grabbing my scythe and readying for the next attack.
     Alexa had picked up her sword, and sneered. "What do you plan on doing? To kill me?!"
     "Something like that." I muttered, and charged. Alexa swung, and she caught the bait. I kicked her weapon away, threw mine down, and kissed her, while wrapping my arms around her, holding the archangel fast.
     Don't get me wrong, I thought it was fucking amazing, but it was also the only thing to do that worked, and luckily it did.
     Alexa stopped struggling, and her hands wrapped around my neck, kissing back. It was weird, and shocking too, but whatever I did it worked.
     When I backed up and opened my eyes, I saw the Alexa I actually wanted to like. Deep blue eyes and dark brown hair. Gabriel was nowhere to be found, but right then that didn't matter. "You're back!" I said enthusiastically. "Hey-" Alexa smacked me, and I hit the floor. I just laid there, completely stunned but at the same time not surprised.
     "What the hell?!" Her face was red. "Why'd you-"
     "Kiss you?" I interrupted. "Because there really wasn't any way else that I could've saved you."
     "There could've been another way!"
     "There was absolutely no other way. Plus it was nice, don't you think?" I got slapped again. The smack rang around the arena-like room.
     "You pervert!"
     "You guessed it."
     Alexa threw her arms up in exasperation, then looked around. "Where's Gabriel?"
     "Probably off somewhere, thinking of another way he could kill us." I shrugged, 100% carefree at the moment.
     Alexa slapped me again. "I can slap you so many times!"
     "My god, would you rather have stayed an insane archangel, constantly being Gabriel's toy?"
     She stopped wanting to slap me because of that, thankfully. Now that that was over with, I had to go and find out how Newt and Scott were on their fight.
     "What happened while you were chasing Gabriel?" Alexa asked.
     "Stiles and Ryan were possessed, and hopefully didn't get killed during that fight."
     We walked down the hallway for a minute, and when we entered the entrance area, both Ryan and Stiles were on the ground, both unconscious. Scott and Newt both were sitting down, obviously exhausted. "Where the fuck were you?" Scott asked, Rose sitting on his lap leaned onto his chest, who had probably fell asleep. "We won a while ago. Like thirty minutes ago."
     "But holy shit, dude," Newt sighed, moving his auburn hair away from his eyes, "that was sick. Like, awesome kind of sick, legit."
     "Well, I saved Alexa by-" Alexa kicked me right in the nether region. I kind of made a noise that sounded like a bird chirping and a grown man that sounded like a baby crying, also falling onto my side. The cold marble didn't really help either. All my muscles had tensed up, making trying to move feel like moving while being ran over by traffic on I-75. Translation: like hell.
     "Gimme a minute. . ." I managed to say. "I'll be fine. . ."
     "Hopefully be hospitalized and go through rehab." Alexa huffed, storming over to Scott, and bending over to get a better look at Rose. "She looks adorable."
     Casey appeared over me, and had a wicked grin plastered on her face. "You did kind of deserve it." She laughed, making me give the death stare to someone made of death mainly. Woo, the irony, right?
     "I need them, dammit!" I snapped angrily.
     "I'm a guy!"
     "Well, lucky for me then." She fell on top of me and smiled. "Because I'm not into girls."
     "Not right now, let alone right here!"
     "They'd just be jealous."


     Stop thinking of a ship name when I kissed Alexa. That was to save her life, nothing else. But hell, I am (in the story and irl) a pervert. Stop judging me, I'm a teen, so it's technically natural for a unpopular piece of trash with no life to write this.

School of The Supernatural Book Two: Spark of War #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now