18 1 0

Lucy ^^

Diamond's pov

"Lucy get your ass down here " I yell waiting for my dog to walk down the spiral staircase in my parents house .

As soon as my 1 year old husky walks into the kitchen we have a stare off , "Lucy why did you do this it smells horrible , go in the backyard and stay there till Mom gets you" I yell pointing at the back door , she growls as she walks through her doggy door with me walking behind her locking it as soon as her body gets outside . I huff and clean up her mess throwing it all in the trash can . I hear steps walking into the kitchen .

"Mom diamond was talking to the dog again " my annoying little sister noa yells . I roll my eyes and wash my hands off at the sink . Once I hear my doorbell I grab my back pack my sister running behind me with hers then we run to the door opening to see my bestfriend since kindergarten "Hey boo" I smile hugging her "hey babe" she says back , we both smile then walk into my black Porsché , Hannah in the passenger seat diamond in the back on her phone then me starting the engine and driving toward my gates .

Once I reach the gates I wave at the security and they open the gates , I press the button for my window to go down and smile "thanks Larry have a great day " I roll my window up and drive off to school.

Once we got to school I parked and turned down the radio which was playing cold water by my daddy of course .

I opened my car door stretching out my legs and my black vans hitting the ground I out my glasses on and got out of the car waiting for noa to get out and then locking it opening my trunk to get my backpack and the girls to get there's .

As soon as I walk up to the building I personally called hell I hear someone calling my name but not just someone .. Luis. Ugh why me . "Babe babe I'm so sorry I never meant it that girl didn't mean anything to me please forgive me babe I promise I'll do better " he said once he approached me , "honey I can't we've had an off and on relationship you always say your gonna do better I think it's best if we see other people" I assure him kissing his cheek "yeah sure  " I smiled at him then watched him walk off .

I really didn't like Luis as much as I did when we first started dating I mean yea he was my first love he would always make me feel special and loved but we had distant times that would end up with him with another girl and me always taking him back but now I wanted to start new and find someone new and exciting .

My first class was English as soon as I sat down class started , I'm so bored .

After 30 min that class started I was still in this boring class . Why is time being so slow ? Fuck you time . I didn't really have to pay attention in this class because it's the easiest class and I always get an A I'm just that good I mean I'm glad to say I'm really smart it's a really go- , my thoughts about me being smart stopped when everyone went silent and looked at the door,  holy shit .

"Hey is this English with Mr.lodlow ?" The hot sex God asked , our teacher Mr.lodlow nodded "your late but sit by miss winter she doesn't have a partner" he said pointing to me , it's is a surprise people say I'm to popular to sit by they think I would do something I mean I honestly don't care who I sit by I accept anyone .

The sex God walked over to me and sat into the seat 1 inch away from mines "hey cutie your mouth is open wouldn't want a fly to just happen to land in it " he said , I felt a rush of heat come onto my cheeks oh shit . I smiled at him and went back to listening to the teacher untill the sex god brushed his fingers on my thigh , I quickly turned my head to him "sorry I dropped something" he whispered picking up a piece of paper and opening it up , I'm very nosey so I took a glance at the note it read your sitting by the most popular girl in school :) I rolled my eyes , I'm not that important .

When the teacher told us our assignment I went to work . "So I hear your the most popular girl in school" the sex God said to me .

"I know I know I'm kinda sick of it so many people are scared to sit by me because they think I'm gonna be mean I'm not of course I'm not Regina George I don't do that stuff" I said .

"Good I wouldn't be wanting to meet a Regina George, but I'm Cameron nice to meet you" he smiled oh sweet baby Jesus that smile .

"I'm diamond its nice to meet you to are you new to Lakewood ?" I asked returning a smile .

"Yea I just got here on Friday but I didn't go to school that day " he said

"Oh what neighborhood did you move into ?" I asked sweetly

"I don't know what neighborhood but I live on a street named karlo its a weird name for a street " he chuckled

"Oh my gosh me to theres a little playground at the end of the street right?" I asked amused

"Yeah I live across a huge White House that could be the White House " he laughed I laughed also .

"How did I not see someone moving into a house right in front of mine?" I kept laughing .

"That's your place ? wow " he said but the bell rang before I could answer .

We both got up and I stopped him "hey do you wanna have lunch with me at my table you'll love it " I asked

"Yea of course what your next class ?" He responds .

"I have algebra, you?" I smiled

"I have a computer class I'll see you at lunch diamond" he smiled and I smiled back walking out of class .

As I was walking to algebra Hannah stopped me "dd Guess what ?" She skied jumping up and down "what ?" I asked laughing at her actions "there is this famous boy off the internet that just transferred her oh my gosh " she said , I didn't really care because I'm not the Internet type of person I may have a Instagram and snapchat but I don't go on it like everyday I can happily say I can live without a phone .

"That's cool but we gotta get to class boo" I smile she smiled back and mumbled and okay before walking into class and sitting down.


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